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Edexcel GCSE Biology Paper 2 (Higher)(1B10/2H) - 7th June 2024 [Exam Chat]


How well did your Edexcel GCSE Biology Paper 2 (Higher)(1B10/2H) exam go today?

Edexcel GCSE Biology Paper 2 (Higher) (1B10/2H) - 7th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 7th June 2024 PM
Length: 1h 45m

Good luck!
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Reply 1
My prédiction is going to be transpiration translocation and maybe hormones but I’m just a random internet person
whats everyones predictions for things to come up in the exam?
Reply 3
Original post by frankiemoon111
whats everyones predictions for things to come up in the exam?

I have a feeling either the nitrogen cycle or the water cycle may come up
Reply 4
Original post by uhgighki
My prédiction is going to be transpiration translocation and maybe hormones but I’m just a random internet person

I would love that.
Reply 5
Original post by eztrrr
I have a feeling either the nitrogen cycle or the water cycle may come up

I've heard lots of people say nitrogen cycle, but last year was carbon cycle. Hopefully hormones and like eutrophication. Questions need to be very hard to lower the grade boundaries. I pray to God it's not belt transects.
Reply 6
Original post by joke18
I've heard lots of people say nitrogen cycle, but last year was carbon cycle. Hopefully hormones and like eutrophication. Questions need to be very hard to lower the grade boundaries. I pray to God it's not belt transects.

Yeah Carbon cycle may end up being a 4 marker or smthing but I js hope this paper is not horrendous oml
i have a feeling this paper will be quite harder bc paper 1 was easy. i think food tests, plant hormones, root hair cells ,xylem and phloemnitrogen cycle, diabetes, thyroxine, regulating temp, the heart, componenets of the blodd, respiration practical, and basically anything from sb9 (except water indicator species and carbon cycle) will come up

Reply 8
someone should go through the papers and find common questions that come up from previous papers j to give a idea . I did that last time on P1 and predicted the lytic cycle 6 marker
Original post by chickennoodles5
i have a feeling this paper will be quite harder bc paper 1 was easy. i think food tests, plant hormones, root hair cells ,xylem and phloemnitrogen cycle, diabetes, thyroxine, regulating temp, the heart, componenets of the blodd, respiration practical, and basically anything from sb9 (except water indicator species and carbon cycle) will come up

Yeh i think its gonna have to be a lot harder - they missed out most of the hard topics in paper 1, so there could be loads ofhormones stuff and niche questions, especially for the plants and b9. Maybe mutualism? Haven't seen that in a pp yet
Reply 10
Original post by AnnoyinHuman
Yeh i think its gonna have to be a lot harder - they missed out most of the hard topics in paper 1, so there could be loads ofhormones stuff and niche questions, especially for the plants and b9. Maybe mutualism? Haven't seen that in a pp yet

To be honest if you learn all the content, it's not hard, the questions that are hard are the"devise an experiment" and the weird question words that require different techniques like "comment and compare". Those questions are the hard ones, I think in general people find paper 2 harder because it "looks worse" meaning that as long as they include some niche stuff like "hormones" and like "the heart", the grade boundaries should drop from what's expected. The harder the better tho.
Reply 11
lots of ppl are predicting the heart to come up hope it does 😭
Reply 12
was quite good acx
Reply 13
Is it me or did those 6 markers feel so short
Original post by essi_932
lots of ppl are predicting the heart to come up hope it does 😭

And it did 🤩
What Asnwers Did People Get for calculation
1.6(people said -1.6)
6 markers were oab Clomifene and IVF and Nephrons.
Good Paper Overall
Reply 16
for the question of how to measure different abiotic factors of garden what was the answer?
i put measure temperature using thermometer and measure light intensity by checking if the sun is out in the day and is shining, do u think im right?
Original post by examchic
for the question of how to measure different abiotic factors of garden what was the answer?
i put measure temperature using thermometer and measure light intensity by checking if the sun is out in the day and is shining, do u think im right?
Air Pollution with Electro Meter
Temperature with Thermometer
Any More Options May work?
Reply 18
Original post by Khanlolhah
Air Pollution with Electro Meter
Temperature with Thermometer
Any More Options May work?

what even is an electro meter? so many people in my class js wrote oxygen meter and light meter
Original post by examchic
for the question of how to measure different abiotic factors of garden what was the answer?
i put measure temperature using thermometer and measure light intensity by checking if the sun is out in the day and is shining, do u think im right?
I think co2 concentrations with co2 measuring device, Light intensity with light measuring device/photometer + a lot more

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