Thanks for your replies, thats awesome news, just trying to work out if I will have time to learn enough Chemistry and revise enough Biology to pass the entrance exam this year, probably not though as Im backpacking round the world at the moment and am due to get back mid June!
However, I suppose I could come back early because the thought of starting a whole year earlier is pretty appealing, so tigercallie or HannahUVM, if you have any of the examination papers or example questions, that would be really useful! All I can find from the website links is the specification of what topics you might be tested on!
If I was to take the later entrance exam in 2009 and fail, would it put me at a disadvantage for 2010 entry?
Or would it be possible to do a 2009 premedical preparation course detailed on the IMS website and try to pass those final exams which would grant me entry to the course automatically, hopefully for 2009 entry?
Sorry to fire so many questions at you, just trying to work out if its going to be possible for me to start in 2009!!