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well basically i want to know how to delete my tsr account
please reply if you know how

You can't delete it, but you can delete your sig and all the information on your profile and then manually go through every post and edit if you want to delete them all too
Reply 2
You can't delete your account. However, if you go in the Ask a Moderator section, they can ban your account permanently or temporarily to a certain date at your request. This will results in you not being able to sign/log in obviously.
Original post by thetopnotch
You can't delete it, but you can delete your sig and all the information on your profile and then manually go through every post and edit if you want to delete them all too

Sorry, but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I want to leave your site now ... and you won't let me?

Oh yeah, and giving me neg rep for this post won't do anything, so feel free, if it satisfies anyone's TSR-related sadistic urges.
Reply 4
Original post by placenta medicae talpae
Sorry, but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I want to leave your site now ... and you won't let me?

Oh yeah, and giving me neg rep for this post won't do anything, so feel free, if it satisfies anyone's TSR-related sadistic urges.

He's told you how to leave the site.

And out of interest why post this on a 2 year old thread when there have been countless others of this nature since then?
(edited 13 years ago)
Original post by cambo211
He's told you how to leave the site.

And out of interest why post this on a 2 year old thread when there have been countless others of this nature since then?

I don't want to be 'banned' because I'd then still be on the site.
I actually want to leave.

Out of interest, why are you bothering to reply to this thread when it's 2 years old?

Really though, I went on Google, and typed in 'how to delete tsr account' and this came up.
Reply 6
Original post by placenta medicae talpae
I don't want to be 'banned' because I'd then still be on the site.
I actually want to leave.

Out of interest, why are you bothering to reply to this thread when it's 2 years old?

Really though, I went on Google, and typed in 'how to delete tsr account' and this came up.

I was replying to you who had posted in this thread not that long ago.

If you were to simply delete your account some of the conversations on the site no longer make sense.

If you really want to erase yourself from the site simply delete every one of your posts individually and then permanently ban yourself.
Original post by cambo211
simply delete every one of your posts individually

Okay, that might possibly take a few months to do.
Reply 8
Original post by placenta medicae talpae
Okay, that might possibly take a few months to do.

Better get started then.
Original post by cambo211
Better get started then.

Either that or get TSR to actually let me leave their site, so I can do my ****ing degree instead.
Reply 10
Original post by placenta medicae talpae
Either that or get TSR to actually let me leave their site, so I can do my ****ing degree instead.

Well then get yourself permabanned and don't come back.

I don't know of many, if any, forums where you can simply delete your account and take everything you've ever said with you.
Reply 11
Except for cclosed and binned threads. That or she could just not lg on. In all reality unless you are addicted.... TSR does not have some hold on you. It cannot stop you from your degree.
Original post by cambo211
I was replying to you who had posted in this thread not that long ago.

If you were to simply delete your account some of the conversations on the site no longer make sense.

If you really want to erase yourself from the site simply delete every one of your posts individually and then permanently ban yourself.
But.. but why would you ever want to leave? :puppyeyes:
Reply 13
um well i really want to delete my profile but i'd like to join later in the future,some help guys?
Original post by Pasindu.
um well i really want to delete my profile but i'd like to join later in the future,some help guys?

Remove any information from your profile then and ask for a ban in AAM.
Reply 15
Original post by marethyu
How do you make it so no one can see your posts and threads you've made and participated in?

You can't. You can, however, go through your posts and manually delete them by clicking the "Edit" button at the bottom right of your posts (so that no one can see them). Mods can also delete up to ten threads that you have started (you'll need to post in Ask A Moderator requesting this).
Original post by placenta medicae talpae
I don't want to be 'banned' because I'd then still be on the site.
I actually want to leave.

Out of interest, why are you bothering to reply to this thread when it's 2 years old?

Really though, I went on Google, and typed in 'how to delete tsr account' and this came up.

exactly correct
how can i get out of here!!!!
I use another account on tsr as i forgot the username for this one but after a few months i found it saved in a file. now I
want to del this account
Reply 18

well basically i want to know how to delete my tsr account
please reply if you know how

I want to do the same; shocked that it looks like I can't. This is stupid.
Reply 19
Original post by meowster
I want to do the same; shocked that it looks like I can't. This is stupid.

It's all explained here:

And I note you only have a single post so you actually have no real posts to delete - you can simply ask the Community Team (CT) to deactivate your account.
(edited 8 years ago)