well basically i want to know how to delete my tsr account please reply if you know how
You can't delete it, but you can delete your sig and all the information on your profile and then manually go through every post and edit if you want to delete them all too
You can't delete your account. However, if you go in the Ask a Moderator section, they can ban your account permanently or temporarily to a certain date at your request. This will results in you not being able to sign/log in obviously.
You can't delete it, but you can delete your sig and all the information on your profile and then manually go through every post and edit if you want to delete them all too
Sorry, but that is absolutely ridiculous.
I want to leave your site now ... and you won't let me?
Oh yeah, and giving me neg rep for this post won't do anything, so feel free, if it satisfies anyone's TSR-related sadistic urges.
Except for cclosed and binned threads. That or she could just not lg on. In all reality unless you are addicted.... TSR does not have some hold on you. It cannot stop you from your degree.
How do you make it so no one can see your posts and threads you've made and participated in?
You can't. You can, however, go through your posts and manually delete them by clicking the "Edit" button at the bottom right of your posts (so that no one can see them). Mods can also delete up to ten threads that you have started (you'll need to post in Ask A Moderator requesting this).
And I note you only have a single post so you actually have no real posts to delete - you can simply ask the Community Team (CT) to deactivate your account.