ok guys im new to this site but I have been surfing the site for a while
there are quite a few threads on aston but i want this to be the official one!!
I am undecided but at present my firm choice is likely to be Aston (ABB) for accounting for management and my insurance choice Brunel (BCC) for accounting and finance
I really like aston but the en suite accomodation is expensive, £90 a week, PLUS £20 for broadband internet, but the shared toilet/bathroom accomodation did not impress me at all when i went for the open day. Even brunels shared accomodation looks better, although it is abput £67 a week, but Brunels en suite accom is £78 a week and it looks very nice if not better than Astons one. I really dnt know why its so expensive espeically as its in birmingham.
I just dont know. As an athlete Brunel is very appealing to me as it has indoor facilities and a track on campus whereas Aston doesnt, and my athletics is very important to me!
So many issues, so little time!
The social scene is birmingham looks lively though but im not sure
If there is anyone here who goes Aston I would like feedback on the Uni, the good and the bad!
Also I want to know the people on this site who are making aston there firm choice so we can have an ''Aston Crew'' before we go (if i get the grades) there!!
Ok guys good good..lets work towards those grades..woteva dey r !!!
You guys looking to get en suite or standard accomodation?
The Aston Crew 2005 caffecooki thunderstorm al-ien neems xxCharlottexx ayo2006 Firm: Aston : Accounting for Management Insurance: Brunel : Accounting and Finance
You guys looking to get en suite or standard accomodation?
Definitely standard. Even though lakeside is nice, it is just too expensive. I hope the standard will be all right cause I heard some complaints like the elevators aren’t often working or that there are false fire alarms in the middle of the night…
I've sent off my application for Lakeside. It looks so nice, shame they prioritise final years. The standard accomm looked good in the towers, not so good in the low-rise though.
yeah i heard some bad things about standard like the fire alarms and local people living there who play shitty music all night! hmm. well if the parties are in standard i'll just come over there :P
yeah i heard some bad things about standard like the fire alarms and local people living there who play shitty music all night! hmm. well if the parties are in standard i'll just come over there :P
awww good plan- you've got it sorted!! best of both worlds
yeah i heard some bad things about standard like the fire alarms and local people living there who play shitty music all night! hmm. well if the parties are in standard i'll just come over there :P
Dont worry if i end up in lakeside ill turn it into a party zone!!
ahhhh I dont know now....i wasnt impressed with the standard accomodation but charlotte you say it looks better oin the towers..i hope so!
How exactly do they prioritise? International, then outside birmingham students , THEN, local students?
I just like the idea of waking up and having a shower with no hassle
elizabeth wot course you doing?
The Aston Crew 2005 caffecooki thunderstorm al-ien neems xxCharlottexx elizabeth86 ayo2006 Firm: Aston : Accounting for Management Insurance: Brunel : Accounting and Finance
Im unaware of any rilvary...however if Birmigham did the sandwich course I probably would have gone there!!
Univeristy of Birmingham, UCE Birmingham, Aston and even Warwick they are all kinda close to each other though. Hoepfully they all socialise together in one way or the other.
Freshers week is usually a week and most Aston courses start in October which is great as I plan to go to Spain in early September!
------------------------------------ The Aston Crew 2005 caffecooki thunderstorm al-ien neems xxCharlottexx elizabeth86 ayo2006 Firm: Aston : Accounting for Management Insurance: Brunel : Accounting and Finance