The Student Room Group

William Morris Sixth Form

Hi :biggrin:

I've been accepted into William Morris and know quite a bit about the subjects and the teachers there, but I haven't been told much about extra curriculars, general atmosphere/behaviour, class sizes or timings of the day. These will be deciding factors of whether I go there or not but I know nothing about them! Is there anyone here that goes to WM and could help me with all this stuff? :smile:

Most my friends attend WM. The atmosphere is very friendly. You'll make friends easily. It really depends on your subject. Timings can start from 9 to 2 or from 1 to 4. Everyone has a different timetable depending on which AS's you are taking.
Reply 2
As far as I know it is a ridiculous sixth form. Moist people. rude boys and retakes.
Reply 3
Badman central. Have fun
So anyone going? Looked fairly decent to me.
oh here's the extra cirricular link...
Reply 6
I guess it's about who mix with because i've had siblings attend there and love it. I'll be going there in september, hopefully! Did you attend course guidance yesterday or day before androidlight??

fuzzysheep, i don't think we get details about course timings until enrolment, check on the website for extra curricular activities, it mentions a few!

from looking at the subject results thing you can tell classes aren't particular big, i think maybe 20 at the most in some and well i think the atmosphere's very multi-cultural and the teachers definitely push you to work and not slack

I quite liked it on both course guidance (I went on the 1st) and the open day last year, I thought the teachers were great and everyone I came across was really friendly. Yeah, they sorted out the timings and stuff a little for me when I went. We all start at 8:40 on a Monday and then the rest of the week depends on your subject, but on both Tuesday and Wednesday, we can finish at 12 or stay behind (they have meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons are for workshop/extra help). I really like it there, it's my definite first choice. Hopefully see you there :biggrin:

And thanks for the extra curricular link. They have loads more stuff going on as well if you picked up the leaflet. :biggrin:
Reply 7
Mmm, I wanted it to be later too - WM is about an hour away for me! I'm liking the Tues/Weds thing though. :smile:

Haha, it's my only choice too. :P Well, I have one other but I hate the place so no way am I going there. I'm really happy about it though, I didn't find anywhere else I liked as much! I'm going to do Eng Lit, History, Philosophy and Economics :smile: You?

Leaflets were by the door when you came in, they didn't make them very obvious to find - I just stumbled across them! They do pretty much every sport, belly/indian/street dance, boxercise, learning British sign language, capoeira, chess, cookery, D of E, enterprise, gym, knitting, Millennium volunteering, climbing, "school of rock", theatre/book club, weights/aerobics/yoga, one off events and running.
Reply 8
I don't really mind the journey, and I can use them for reading and stuff, it's just the early mornings. Lucky you for being able to walk it! :smile:

Aw, I had a clash too. I couldn't choose between Economics and Spanish (which I now know was the one I really wanted to do) and Spanish clashed. :frown: What were your original choices?

Yeah, it is quite a lot :biggrin: The workshops etc are when you need extra help/explanation in a subject and you want to do some extra work or practice on it. You're free to leave but also free to stay for whatever subject you choose. :smile: I think it's a really good idea.

I'm glad I'll know someone outside of the people from my high school going to WM, yay :biggrin:
Reply 9
Aw, well they're good choices and I hope they can change it to psychology for you!

I've got about 8 people from my school coming to WM which is awesome, as well as 1 or 2 others I know. It's handy to know people when you go to sixth form but I don't think it's essential - quite a few people are in the same boat and plus, again, everyone seemed really friendly. :smile:

I'm on the 2nd of September at 9am, and you? :smile:
Reply 10
Wow, since reception? I think you'll be glad of the new start then. :smile:
I went to a school they hadn't even heard of, haha. I just got my application in straight away so everything just went quicker. :smile:
Reply 11
It's a ********, I go there.
Reply 12
and no one cares about the extra curricular stuff or takes part in them. Only ping pong and badminton outside on Wednesdays.
Damn I forgot I posted.

My course guidance day was on the friday, and enrolments on the 3rd too, I remember handing in the app a bit late. I liked the place too, didn't meet many students but teachers were nice.

Btw guys did you know that you can take five subjects? Apparently some person took 6/7. I asked about 5 subjects I may take and there were no clashes.

Oh and the start/close times sound very fun. By chance do you have any more details on start/close times? btw best of luck with results in August
Reply 14
I just finished WM this year... anything you would like to know?

Here are some things:
*a long day could range from 8.40 to 4.20

*last year we had wednesday as 'no lesson days' and used for enrichment or study support

*Study support ranges from 4.20-5.20 Mondays thurs and Fridays and maybe on wednesday afternoons

*in my AS year study support was either because you needed it or because a teacher was annoyed that you didn't do the homework/coursework/or bunked lessons.

However they are more laid back on your second year.

*Teachers do actually care about your future so they give up lots of their time to help you :smile:

*It's best to book a computer in the Lrc, hours before as they get taken quickly - there isnt enough computers for everyone!!

*It's true about what HANNAH_X said about enrichment on tues being tennis table and badminton.. but those are whats on site, there are other stuff off-site but its mainly just gym and some sports. last year use to be belly dancing and street dance I think.

*If you arrive later than 20mins to a lesson, you will be excluded from that lesson (like i said, during second year, they are more laid back).

I think thats almost everything... but wish you good luck at WM and enjoy it while it lasts... because these years will go quick... mine did, I'm off to uni now... :smile:
Reply 15
Hi, I have also Applied for William Morris Sixth Form. Well my goal as a Career is to get into Medicine, Unfortunately I did not really have that Ambition in mind when I was in my early years at school. So I have messed about alot haha I plan on retaking

English (If Nescessary)
Double Science.

And I want to come out of William Morris with,

Biology A2 = A*-A needed
Chemistry A2 = A*-A needed
Psychology A2=A* - A needed
Physics AS= A/B needed :smile:

I have been preparing for most of this stuff a while now, and also studying Anatomy and Physiology for some time ( feels like my cranium is gonna explode) and I also plan on doing Work Experience at a GP which since I have found a chance to do so, My grades are so high at GCSE level = B/C grades , Do you think I have a chance in getting into medical school if I gain those grades at A level and have 3 years work experience at a GP ? I am dedicated and also Will do my best.

Btw Is William morris good, I mean the Atmosphere lol, and also is there a certain dress code or do we just wear what we wish (or casually etc) ???? cause my secondary school has a sixth form and they wear suits lol :biggrin:
I just looked at all the GCSE subjects, they offer... I am so ****ing Jelly, right now. *_*
is this sixthform good or not doe?
Reply 18
Original post by mrr.salman1
is this sixthform good or not doe?
It **** honestly it’s bad just done go there I regret going I’m changing over to another school hopefully from year 12 to year 13

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