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Brampton manor interviews

i've just done my interview for brampton, and was wondering if anyone else has/is going to do theirs (this is for the 2024 entry btw). and for those that have done it, how did it go?

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Reply 1
Original post by heartz4moushi
i've just done my interview for brampton, and was wondering if anyone else has/is going to do theirs (this is for the 2024 entry btw). and for those that have done it, how did it go?

How have you done your interview already? The deadline for applying has not even arrived
Get good grades and have decent social skills and you shall be fine. Trust me.
Original post by zRickq
How have you done your interview already? The deadline for applying has not even arrived

Idek that’s what I’m wondering. I don’t think my interview was the formal one, but I did to a zoom meeting with a member of their sixth form team, maybe the head of sixth form but I’m not sure about that. this is why I asked because interviews take place after deadlines. The man also told me the next steps are that I’ll get an email by the end of the Easter holidays ish for induction day, but how does that work if my application offer still hasn’t been confirmed?
Original post by 18zachwhit
Get good grades and have decent social skills and you shall be fine. Trust me.

thank you! My social skills are definitely my weapon, grades are decent. Focusing on exceeding my expected grades!
Original post by heartz4moushi
Idek that’s what I’m wondering. I don’t think my interview was the formal one, but I did to a zoom meeting with a member of their sixth form team, maybe the head of sixth form but I’m not sure about that. this is why I asked because interviews take place after deadlines. The man also told me the next steps are that I’ll get an email by the end of the Easter holidays ish for induction day, but how does that work if my application offer still hasn’t been confirmed?

What type of questions were you asked and how long was the meeting.
Original post by Sami.shsh
What type of questions were you asked and how long was the meeting.

Ok to refine things because I think I got the gist of it now. it was NOT an official interview. it was a formal zoom meeting to discuss my application (im 90% sure this is what is was)
We just started off with the basics, my name and dob birth. Then we ran through my application details. Confirmed all the subjects I wanted to do for Brampton. He also asked if i'm on free school meals, to 'differentiate the students from who gets free meals or not' (something along those lines).
I was also asked about how I found out about brampton, why i want to study there etc. oh and also after after school/extracurriculars i do. then at the end he told me what's gonna happen moving forward. which is that by the end of easter holiday, ill get an email invite to induction day. but he did state how attending the induction day does not guarantee a place at brampton as the real deal is results day where everything will be confirmed.
That's about all I can remember.
The whole thing lasted just under 10 minutes :smile:
Reply 7
Original post by heartz4moushi
i've just done my interview for brampton, and was wondering if anyone else has/is going to do theirs (this is for the 2024 entry btw). and for those that have done it, how did it go?

Mines today at 3 what was was yours like. Did they ask anything wierd and who did urs
Original post by heartz4moushi
i've just done my interview for brampton, and was wondering if anyone else has/is going to do theirs (this is for the 2024 entry btw). and for those that have done it, how did it go?

did you apply really early or smth bc i didnt even know they were doing interviews😭
Original post by strgssd
Mines today at 3 what was was yours like. Did they ask anything wierd and who did urs

sorry for such a late reply. the questions weren't anything out of the ordinary and it was with 'mr thursfield' (think thats how you spell it). how did yours go? :smile:
Original post by thesimplestudent
did you apply really early or smth bc i didnt even know they were doing interviews😭

i wouldn't even say early, not sure when it was opened but im pretty sure i submitted it a few days after. just checked, and it was the 16th last month :smile:
This "interview" is used to scope your character and what stuff you do, at least that's what i thought it was. After this one there is no formal interview or anything, you will be invited to induction day (this does not mean that you have a place, its like a taster day for ur subjects) and after that on or after results day they will decide if they invite you for enrolment. They may have changed the procedure so don't quote me on anything. Good luck!
Original post by Hopefully Smart
This "interview" is used to scope your character and what stuff you do, at least that's what i thought it was. After this one there is no formal interview or anything, you will be invited to induction day (this does not mean that you have a place, its like a taster day for ur subjects) and after that on or after results day they will decide if they invite you for enrolment. They may have changed the procedure so don't quote me on anything. Good luck!

thank you so much, this had actually been one of the most helpful replies of gotten to what the real point behind this interview was😭 and yes, it would make so much sense bc the guy i was doing the meeting with did mention the invite to induction day but how its not a guranteed place at BMA. Thanku! By the sounds of it seems like youre in a similar positon too? if so, lots of luck to you :smile:
Reply 13
Original post by heartz4moushi
i've just done my interview for brampton, and was wondering if anyone else has/is going to do theirs (this is for the 2024 entry btw). and for those that have done it, how did it go?

i js got an email for my interview tonight, it’s in a week or so, how’d yours go?
Original post by chahats
i js got an email for my interview tonight, it’s in a week or so, how’d yours go?

it went pretty well thank you! i didn't expect much and just went in with a clear mind. you can read a more detailed version somewhere up below in one of my replies😂. oo, good luck and congrats! lmk how it went😊
Reply 15
I had an interview in January, the lady was lovely. Questions were quite basic: subject choices, FSM, future aspirations, extracurriculars I'm interested in. gl to everyone
Original post by Nazhnayoj
I had an interview in January, the lady was lovely. Questions were quite basic: subject choices, FSM, future aspirations, extracurriculars I'm interested in. gl to everyone
yes! mine was exactly thr same and it was literally at the end of jan, but i had a man instead of a woman! hope yours went well💌
Reply 17
Original post by heartz4moushi
i've just done my interview for brampton, and was wondering if anyone else has/is going to do theirs (this is for the 2024 entry btw). and for those that have done it, how did it go?
ive got mine next week and im a bit nervous but i saw ur summary of it in one of the replies so thanks for that. i also have a bit of a random question but in the application itself, in one of the sections we had to fill out, it said something along the lines of "what extracurriculars would you like to participate in when you join brampton". do they ask you what you put in there?? because im currently overthinking it and i cant remember what i put and what i didnt and if they ask its going to make me look so bad so help me out pls😭
Original post by oduna
ive got mine next week and im a bit nervous but i saw ur summary of it in one of the replies so thanks for that. i also have a bit of a random question but in the application itself, in one of the sections we had to fill out, it said something along the lines of "what extracurriculars would you like to participate in when you join brampton". do they ask you what you put in there?? because im currently overthinking it and i cant remember what i put and what i didnt and if they ask its going to make me look so bad so help me out pls😭
hey! i'm so glad you found that useful😄 i'm not really sure, and i actually cant even remember if they asked me of that question💀 but i think they did you know. they said something along the lines of we know academics can be very important, but being an all rounder student is too?? i was in the same dilemma as you tbh! i just knew from beforehand that they had a law society and book club, two things i'm very interested in so i just told them that was something that was really compelling and attractive, and for sure extra curricular i would want to get involved in!
as regard to some advice, i don't think they are really wishy washy about your answers matching exactly to your application. so i would say, go on BMA website and just take a look at all their after school clubs and extra curriculars and just make a list on a piece of paper of everything that interests you/ you want to get involved in. perhaps, even write why as a solidifier. and just have that piece of paper with you as guidance in the meeting! it's not going to make you look bad, unless you tell them you forgot or can't remember. what's important is that you carry yourself with confidence and are ready to answer any questions they throw at you by remaining calm and collected :smile:
hope this helped💞
Reply 19
Original post by oduna
ive got mine next week and im a bit nervous but i saw ur summary of it in one of the replies so thanks for that. i also have a bit of a random question but in the application itself, in one of the sections we had to fill out, it said something along the lines of "what extracurriculars would you like to participate in when you join brampton". do they ask you what you put in there?? because im currently overthinking it and i cant remember what i put and what i didnt and if they ask its going to make me look so bad so help me out pls😭
Don't be so stressed if they don't match those in the application tbh - just avoid acting nervous and you'll be fine. You can find a list of extracurriculars on their website - pick those you like and be sure you can justify why (not a lengthy essay, mind you). You can try linking the extracurriculars to hobbies, future aspirations, or even subject choices if you want.
Tip of the week: check beforehand if your mic and cam work on zoom. I entered the meeting with a broken webcam, which probably didn't look quite good (revealing the cringiest zoom profile picture ever to the interviewer). Inshallah the interview will go well

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