The Student Room Group

Asking about life at CLC

Hello! I got in to clc for sixth form next September and just wanted to ask aboutthe general lifestyle i.e. which senior boarding house would would be considered the 'best' and the situations with bathrooms (are the rooms en suite). Also just the general freedom for shopping especially food because I'm a picky eater and meals are a great concern for me as well as art and textiles stores as i will be taking art as an a level course. Thank you so much!!!

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What is 'CLC'.
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
What is 'CLC'.

Cheltenham ladies
Reply 3
Original post by Ellayaaaah
Hello! I got in to clc for sixth form next September and just wanted to ask aboutthe general lifestyle i.e. which senior boarding house would would be considered the 'best' and the situations with bathrooms (are the rooms en suite). Also just the general freedom for shopping especially food because I'm a picky eater and meals are a great concern for me as well as art and textiles stores as i will be taking art as an a level course. Thank you so much!!!

heyy! im in year 11 at CLC rn and most likely will be staying for sixth form boarding next year so im happy to answer any questions you have!! We’ve had tours around the sixth form boarding houses and to be honest for me there wasnt really a house that stuck out as the ‘best’ but if you would like some pros and cons or different houses then just lmk! Sadly the bedrooms aren’t en suite but in some of the houses there are sinks in the bathrooms which could be good or not depending on what you plan to use it for, im not too sure. In sixth form you get a lot more freedom then in the junior houses definitely and although i can’t remember everything right now, i can try find out the definite details and i can get back to you!! But i do know that you can go out on weekends, you can go out for lunch on a weekday as well and you can order deliveroo/ just eat etc whenever on weekends (but tbh people do it in the weekdays too). I’m a picky eater too and in regards to school meals it’s not actually that bad. School tend to have the main option which can sometimes be not what I like but they usually always have something else like pasta from the salad bar, jacket potato or the veggie option. There’s also tonss of variety of food around Cheltenham so you are definitely going to find something you like!! I take textiles for GCSE and theres a large fabric and sewing shop in the town centre but there is also a hobby craft about a 7ish minute drive from school. I have a friend that takes art GCSE and she says not to worry about needing art stores too much because apparently the art department already have lots of resources that you can use for your sketchbooks and pieces and if you ask to order something in particular, they do.
sorry for the super long msg!! but if theres anything else you wanna ask then dww! also what other a levels are you planning to take?
Reply 4
Thank you so much!! I think you’ve basically answered all my questions and I would like to know the pros and cons of each boarding house as id like to pick the most comfortable one for me being that I’d be moving thousands of kilometres away from my home🤗 I’m also planning to take A-level art, math and economics in the sixth form!

Thank you so much once again and do have a great day!
Which clc senior house is the biggest?
Reply 6
Original post by username12801
Which clc senior house is the biggest?

they are all roughly the same size although some of them are designed for less people. Roderic is for around 20 people so it is the smallest which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you prefer. Cambray and Beale share a few of their communal areas and have a lot of students there (not sure on a number) so they are quite big. St Hilda’s and Elizabeth are also bit houses although I think St Hilda’s is larger. So Roderic is the smallest then Cambray and Beale (they are exactly the same practically) then Elizabeth and St Hilda’s. Hope this helped!!
they are all roughly the same size although some of them are designed for less people. Roderic is for around 20 people so it is the smallest which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you prefer. Cambray and Beale share a few of their communal areas and have a lot of students there (not sure on a number) so they are quite big. St Hilda’s and Elizabeth are also bit houses although I think St Hilda’s is larger. So Roderic is the smallest then Cambray and Beale (they are exactly the same practically) then Elizabeth and St Hilda’s. Hope this helped!!

Okay thank you so much!!
they are all roughly the same size although some of them are designed for less people. Roderic is for around 20 people so it is the smallest which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you prefer. Cambray and Beale share a few of their communal areas and have a lot of students there (not sure on a number) so they are quite big. St Hilda’s and Elizabeth are also bit houses although I think St Hilda’s is larger. So Roderic is the smallest then Cambray and Beale (they are exactly the same practically) then Elizabeth and St Hilda’s. Hope this helped!!

also do you know the ratio of ib students vs A level? because im thinking of doing ib but not sure
Reply 9
Original post by username12801
also do you know the ratio of ib students vs A level? because im thinking of doing ib but not sure

majority do a level but there is still a pretty big amount that do IB and there’s a massive support team for IB students so if you are thinking about taking it then I would recommend! What subjects were you thinking you would do higher/standard level?
Do the ib girls and a level stay separated or does it not really change anything? Im thinking of doing Biology HL, French HL, Geography HL and then Math AA SL, English lit SL, Economics SL. Are you taking ib or a levels ?
Reply 11
Original post by username12801
Do the ib girls and a level stay separated or does it not really change anything? Im thinking of doing Biology HL, French HL, Geography HL and then Math AA SL, English lit SL, Economics SL. Are you taking ib or a levels ?
The only time there is separation is during lessons since the a level history course is different to the IB history course for example. Like you probably won’t share any lessons with a level students (i don’t think….) but apart from lessons everything is still as normal. Also i will be doing a levels! (geography, biology, psychology and rs). i’m presuming you are in year 11 right now so we will be in the same year group next year then 😊
The only time there is separation is during lessons since the a level history course is different to the IB history course for example. Like you probably won’t share any lessons with a level students (i don’t think….) but apart from lessons everything is still as normal. Also i will be doing a levels! (geography, biology, psychology and rs). i’m presuming you are in year 11 right now so we will be in the same year group next year then 😊

oh okok tysm!! and yess im in y11 so ill see u next year then 😊
Reply 13
Original post by username12801
oh okok tysm!! and yess im in y11 so ill see u next year then 😊

Reply 14
Original post by Ellayaaaah

that’s so exciting!! do yk what house you are in yet??
Original post by Ellayaaaah

oh that’s so nice! are you doing a levels or ib??
that’s so exciting!! do yk what house you are in yet??

have you already found out which houses you are in??
Reply 17
Original post by username12801
have you already found out which houses you are in??
i haven’t found out yet but i heard somewhere that new girls get told early but actually we haven’t even done GCSEs yet so it may be too early 😭
i haven’t found out yet but i heard somewhere that new girls get told early but actually we haven’t even done GCSEs yet so it may be too early 😭

oh really haha no idk i haven’t found out yet
Reply 19
that’s so exciting!! do yk what house you are in yet??

They haven’t asked yet but I’m deciding to pick chambray as soon as they ask!

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