The Student Room Group

Martial Arts at Warwick

I was wondering if people could tell me about martial arts going on in Warwick Uni, and its surroundings. I have been doing Tae-Kwon Do for a while, and I intend to carry this on at the university, but I am keen to try other things too such as Kendo or Wushu.
Thank you.
Reply 1
The clubs and societies pages on the students' union site provide plenty of information about martial arts in Warwick. I hope the Aikido group is good and welcoming.
Warwick Judo team is very good, I'm lead to believe. The sport itself is great fun, really worth a go, although it does feel awkward to do for some time. There's a large emphasis on contest, so if that's your thing, then it's great, and personally I really enjoy it. There's no kendo club, I don't think, which is a big shame. There's lots of others though.
Warwick's karate club competes at a national level I think, will definitely be joining that.
I wanted to do amateur wrestling but they don't do it at Warwick, so I'll have to settle for muay thai
Warwick Judo team is very good, I'm lead to believe. The sport itself is great fun, really worth a go, although it does feel awkward to do for some time. There's a large emphasis on contest, so if that's your thing, then it's great, and personally I really enjoy it. There's no kendo club, I don't think, which is a big shame. There's lots of others though.

Hi, do you know anything about Warwick's karate club by any chance?
Reply 6
Liam The Eagle
I wanted to do amateur wrestling but they don't do it at Warwick, so I'll have to settle for muay thai

I might have to join you there :wink:

Been watching Tony Jaa in OngBak and Tom-Yum-Goong and I am dream of actually being THAT hard. It would be so mint, though I understand Jaa uses Muay Boran.

His list of martial arts are quite amazing: skilled in Muay Thai, Muay Boran, Aikido, Pencak Silat, Capoeira, Wushu, Stick, Krabi Krabong and Taekwondo.

For those that don't know:

(God knows why they put Drowning Pools as the music - but just watch the martial arts. BTW - all his stunts are WITHOUT ropes, without stunt doubles, and without SFX)
I'd rather be as hard as Chuck Liddell. That would be awesome
Reply 8
There is stacks of martial arts going on around Coventry (a lot of people don't get that warwick Uni is in Coventry city.)

there is a fantastic Judo club that Neil Adams (heard of him?) trains at and runs. I believe the GB training goes on there aswell.

There are some excellent boxing clubs in Cov.
if you google redcorner boxing gymn, that is top.

And all of the Geoff Thompson mob train boxing grappling wrestling and MMA in Cov.
If you go to, there are links to loads of great classes that go on.

Dont know about clubs at the actual uni, but there is plenty to keep you busy in Cov.

All the best
Reply 9
i wanna learn kung fu, so if some big guy comes starts on me- BAM- he's on the floor lol
Original post by The Orientalist
Hi, do you know anything about Warwick's karate club by any chance?

Hi there. I doubt you’ll see this 17 years later but I am currently a member of Warwick karate and I’m looking for old pictures of people at the club. If you did join in the end and you have any images from that time please send them to the university of Warwick karate Facebook or Instagram page !
A post from 17 years ago wow! I’m currently at Warwick now lol

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