The Student Room Group

noisy fridge!

the fridge downstairs is really noisy and i can hear it upstairs even with all the doors shut. so wot i do is unplug it, wait for the noise to calm down, replug it then go upstairs to bed. however this only lasts for 10 minutes and then it becomes noisy again! and im obbsessed with keep going down to unplug it and replug it etc. have i gone mad lol? its not that noisy my room, but its loud enough to tell when its on.
the fridge downstairs is really noisy and i can hear it upstairs even with all the doors shut. so wot i do is unplug it, wait for the noise to calm down, replug it then go upstairs to bed. however this only lasts for 10 minutes and then it becomes noisy again! and im obbsessed with keep going down to unplug it and replug it etc. have i gone mad lol? its not that noisy my room, but its loud enough to tell when its on.

yes i think you have gone mad. can you sleep with music on? that could distract you?
Reply 2
yes i think you have gone mad. can you sleep with music on? that could distract you?

erm possibly but i prefere without. i think ive got that obbsessive compulsory disorder lol but its keepin me awake :mad:
Reply 3
bah just switch it off for the night... your milk won't go off that quick!

lou xxx
Reply 4
lou p
bah just switch it off for the night... your milk won't go off that quick!

lou xxx

wish i cud but my parents wud go mental lol
erm possibly but i prefere without. i think ive got that obbsessive compulsory disorder lol but its keepin me awake :mad:

well it won't help you tongiht unless you have a 24hour homebase nearby but you could buy a timer plug thing so that when you switch the fridge off, you can delay it's turning on again for half an hour so that you have time to fall asleep.
Reply 6
well it won't help you tongiht unless you have a 24hour homebase nearby but you could buy a timer plug thing so that when you switch the fridge off, you can delay it's turning on again for half an hour so that you have time to fall asleep.

or go out and get a new fridge
Reply 7
or go out and get a new fridge

do they sell quiet ones? how cud i convince my parents to buy a new 1 lol
Reply 8
do they sell quiet ones? how cud i convince my parents to buy a new 1 lol

have you never noticed it before?

lou xxx
or go out and get a new fridge

because that'd be easier? everyone's going crazy. i think its the sleepiness. i really am leaving now!
Reply 10
I have a mini fridge now in my bedroom, its nice and quiet (and naturally full of booze and sweeties).


omg they are so elite!!!!! they sell them at the gadget shop
Reply 11
lou p
have you never noticed it before?

lou xxx

to be honest ive not :confused: ive neva really thought about the noise before coz i didn't know it existed until i randomly once listened in bed for any noises
Reply 12

heh that is uber cool!!!!!!
Reply 13
Kick the fridge. If that works, then good. If it breaks, then just go and buy a new one!
Reply 14
Get yourself a nice pair of pink fluffy ear muffs!