The Student Room Group

Monarchists vs Republicans

This thread takes inspiration from: Girls Vs Boys

Welcome to Monarchists Vs Republicans! To see who has done the most posts this thread, check here

In the UK, Monarchists refers to people who are pro-monarchy and believe that the institution should stay (for the monarchy). Republicans refers to people who are anti-monarchy and believe that the institution should be abolished (against the monarchy).

Current Score: Monarchists 0 - 5 Republicans

Overall Score: Monarchists 0 - 5 Republicans

How to play:
- Every game begins at 500
- If you are a Monarchist you add 2 to the current number, if you are a Republican you subtract 2
- Once you've chosen a side, stick to that side once chosen until the next thread
- Republicans win when the number reaches 0, Monarchists win when the number reaches 1000
- After 0 or 1000 is reached, the next post starts at 502/498 again!
- This is a team game, so no double posting/consecutive posting!

Further Rules

Let's start! :smile: And remember to tag/quote me if a game has been won so I can update the scores :yep:
500 (First ever starting number)

Also check posts before posting to ensure that you're posting the correct number.

You can also check out and play this new game in this forum (UKWP) called The G20 Leaders Hurt/Heal Game here: (this game is similar to the Russell Group hurt/heal game).
(edited 1 month ago)

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496 (-2)
(edited 1 year ago)
498 :smile:
496 :redface:
498 :wink:

Having more players could be interesting (for either side).
Original post by Z_GAMER

Another Monarchist?

Can respect the Spanish Monarchy though

Original post by Talkative Toad

Can respect the Spanish Monarchy though

I think you just carried this number over to girls vs boys
(edited 1 year ago)

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