The Student Room Group

King Edward Studios?

King Edward Studios - mainly first years? Second? Third?

I'm away on a study abroad year at the moment and I'm beginning to think about where to live third year (there was an idea that I could move into a house with friends, but that's now looking less likely). I definitely don't want to go back into a 'halls' so to speak, but this place looked ok - lots of mini self-catered rooms with your own kitchenette etc. But what year are most people?

Reply 1
Last year there was a mix between internationals and first year I believe. Personally I hated the place when I had to go in there to do laundry - always way to hot and there was never anyone around...

I think one of my friends has some spaces opening in their house next year, I can check and get you in contact with them if you like (Katie who you met at our meet is in one of the houses...)?
Reply 2
I think it's all postgrads this year.
Reply 3
This year it seems to be all postgrads and international students. Personally, I wouldn't go there - for one it is stupidly hot all the time, secondly it's fairly antisocial (from what people living there have told me), no-one talks to anyone else.
I'll echo what others have said above. It's nearly all international students and very, very antisocial. I wouldn't like to live there, but you're third year, so maybe you have different priorities.
Reply 5
Hi everyone. I'm new here and looking to go to Exeter next year.

Am wondering if it has changed over the lady couple of years? Is it more social now?


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