The Student Room Group
Normally I can find things...

I would suggest looking through the two syllabuses in case they give a mention to resources and endorsed textbooks. Further to this I would speak with the tutor or course provider. I am looking for a specific title Edexcel International A level History/ Edexcel History International A level. However that might not be the title. It may be A level History AS/A2. I hope this helps.
Reply 2
Original post by Ambergris
Normally I can find things...

I would suggest looking through the two syllabuses in case they give a mention to resources and endorsed textbooks. Further to this I would speak with the tutor or course provider. I am looking for a specific title Edexcel International A level History/ Edexcel History International A level. However that might not be the title. It may be A level History AS/A2. I hope this helps.

Original post by Willennium
I am about to start studying IAL myself , but I can't find textbooks related to these two subjects. I would like to ask if anyone knows what books should be used for these two subjects?

Is the edexcel psychology book by karren smith suitable for IAL?

Thank you:biggrin:

Which units of the IAL course are you studying. I can help with some units.
Original post by bobhudson
Which units of the IAL course are you studying. I can help with some units.

Hi. I'm facing the same problem as @Willennium. Can you help me too? I'm studying Britain, South Africa, Civil Rights USA, and Making of Modern Europe. These are my choices for now but I guess I'll have to make changes if necessary.