The Student Room Group

mark scheme

Is the a student made mark scheme for this OCR A chem a level??
there is a UOMS
Original post by Z_GAMER
there is a UOMS

Where can I find this ?!
Original post by charliew462
Is the a student made mark scheme for this OCR A chem a level??

here the link:
Original post by Shannontuck20
Thank you!

the link I gave you was the hacked UOMS. it wasn't hacked 6 days ago, but trolls hacked it 3 days ago.
so here is the new link for the clean version of it:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by charliew462
Is the a student made mark scheme for this OCR A chem a level??

clean version of UOMS:


hi, it says the document was deleted, is there any others?

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