Does the glitch have any effect on whether i'll get in??? (Context: test is online & stopped working for a solid half hour. I finished it after that after switching computers but I've heard that it happened to a few people, so does anyone know what's going on with that???)
Does the glitch have any effect on whether i'll get in??? (Context: test is online & stopped working for a solid half hour. I finished it after that after switching computers but I've heard that it happened to a few people, so does anyone know what's going on with that???)
I think it should be fine as long as your test centre applied for special consideration. I also had some issues with my test so I think Oxford will realise that and take it into account for most test takers. If I'm being honest, I really hope they just abandon the online system and go back to paper
Just a quick question- do you know if Section B had a fixed word order or not? I'm having a bit of a panic that I didn't pay attention to word order.
Does the glitch have any effect on whether i'll get in??? (Context: test is online & stopped working for a solid half hour. I finished it after that after switching computers but I've heard that it happened to a few people, so does anyone know what's going on with that???)
for MAT my whole paper wouldn't load so I didn't do it.
I think it should be fine as long as your test centre applied for special consideration. I also had some issues with my test so I think Oxford will realise that and take it into account for most test takers. If I'm being honest, I really hope they just abandon the online system and go back to paper
Just a quick question- do you know if Section B had a fixed word order or not? I'm having a bit of a panic that I didn't pay attention to word order.
Okay, cool, they said they wwre applying for special consideration!! All good then
it was described as a "variable word order" so I don't think it matters too much! I did notice that it had a trend of subject object verb but it wasn't 100% consistent so I don't think it matters
Okay, cool, they said they wwre applying for special consideration!! All good then
it was described as a "variable word order" so I don't think it matters too much! I did notice that it had a trend of subject object verb but it wasn't 100% consistent so I don't think it matters
i did the clat & i thought it was alright! section a tripped me up a little b/c we didn't get a straight g option (there was only accented g + gh) but i went with the gh option and hoped for the best. got derailed in section b because "and" was "sith" and i pictured darth vader standing behind me perfectly. section c and the to be section had me a little confused but overall i think the questions were alright!
section b was also a little tricky in that i didn't realise that the word for men had the last two letters swapped for a while and i had to fix it
Was there a change for subject/object in section B??? Was discussing with friends and we all thought differently
yeah, object had a -rya added to the end. except for whatever the hell was going on with the word for bridge. i just chalked it up to either an exception or possibly a different rule for words that ended in a consonant that they didn't have time to expand upon/torture us with.
also, was i the only person that thought it was weird that we got a 3.1 and a 3.2 but no 3.3 for section b like usual?
yeah, object had a -rya added to the end. except for whatever the hell was going on with the word for bridge. i just chalked it up to either an exception or possibly a different rule for words that ended in a consonant that they didn't have time to expand upon/torture us with.
also, was i the only person that thought it was weird that we got a 3.1 and a 3.2 but no 3.3 for section b like usual?
YES the inconsistency in sub/obj change messed me up a bit like it was different for bird, man and bridge??
YES the inconsistency in sub/obj change messed me up a bit like it was different for bird, man and bridge??
i nearly completely missed the one with men/man hdjkjdhjkdj it's lucky i finished so early!! i can only assume it's like, differences with vowels and consonants? but we really didn't get enough of the language to know
i nearly completely missed the one with men/man hdjkjdhjkdj it's lucky i finished so early!! i can only assume it's like, differences with vowels and consonants? but we really didn't get enough of the language to know