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Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2 (1EN0 02) - 9th November 2023 [Exam Chat]

Edexcel GCSE English Language
Paper 2 (1EN0 02) - 9th November 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 9th Nov 2023/ AM
Length: 2h 05m

Good luck!
How did everyone find both paper one and two?
Original post by FranciscaHoney
How did everyone find both paper one and two?

paper 2 was easier than 1
I found paper ones creative writing easier than the transactional writing for paper two. I chose the letter to editor. I was looking forward to the review question, but disappointed the option was for a place you’ve been to. Overall though, collectively I felt both papers were ok. What did you struggle with?
i did the review one what was the prompt for the other option. i already forgot
Original post by populous-entry
i did the review one what was the prompt for the other option. i already forgot

what texts were the papers ?
Reply 6
Original post by FranciscaHoney
I found paper ones creative writing easier than the transactional writing for paper two. I chose the letter to editor. I was looking forward to the review question, but disappointed the option was for a place you’ve been to. Overall though, collectively I felt both papers were ok. What did you struggle with?

What was the question for paper 2 question 5 plss thank you ❤️❤️
Reply 7
Original post by roseeee27
which prompt did you choose for creative?!

It’s sad I realized I actually do AQA **

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