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AQA A-level English Language Paper 1 (7702/1) - 25th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

AQA A Level English Language Paper 1: (7702/1) - 25th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

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General Information
Date/Time: 25th May 2023/ AM
Length: 2h 30m

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How is everyone feeling for paper 1? I'm really hoping that the articles in section A aren't as boring or uninteresting, something that everyone would be able to relate to in order for us to talk about. Section B is not too bad, just prefer question 4 over question 5 for myself.
any ideas what the speaking CLA question could ask about? predictions are so hard with English
(Original post by Bloosh_Xii)How is everyone feeling for paper 1? I'm really hoping that the articles in section A aren't as boring or uninteresting, something that everyone would be able to relate to in order for us to talk about. Section B is not too bad, just prefer question 4 over question 5 for myself.

Original post by Bloosh_Xii
How is everyone feeling for paper 1? I'm really hoping that the articles in section A aren't as boring or uninteresting, something that everyone would be able to relate to in order for us to talk about. Section B is not too bad, just prefer question 4 over question 5 for myself.

I am feeling really good about Paper 1. Do you think we will get a spoken insert or a blog as they haven’t come up for a while? Same here - I hope the inserts are interesting and I also prefer Q4 over 5 in section B.
Original post by izzy4509x
any ideas what the speaking CLA question could ask about? predictions are so hard with English

No clue- Do you have any ideas of what it could be?
(edited 1 year ago)
Perhaps the CLA question this year, could be one that tests our knowledge and how well we can apply it. At “least” we know, that the question will be closed or open ended.
Original post by izzy4509x
any ideas what the speaking CLA question could ask about? predictions are so hard with English

It would nice if it was nature and nurture debate and that the transcript is easy to use examples when talking about the theorists
(edited 1 year ago)
Yeah that would be nice. I am sure that came up not along ago thou. Imagine if it was a question that could only fit Nativism or Cognitivism. Anyway good luck with CLA I’m sure you’ll ace it!!!
Does anyone want to carry on with English language after College/Sixform? I do I want to do English Language and Applied linguistics. Then specialise In cognitive neuroscience.
Original post by Bloosh_Xii
How is everyone feeling for paper 1? I'm really hoping that the articles in section A aren't as boring or uninteresting, something that everyone would be able to relate to in order for us to talk about. Section B is not too bad, just prefer question 4 over question 5 for myself.

same i literally SUCK at meanings and representations so if the texts are bad imma acc have a meltdown 😭 do you have any advice for section A ? l
I am sure you will do amazing. I actually really enjoy representations- My teachers are fantastic at teaching it.
Make sure that you back your representation points back to the text(s) thou. If you do this, you shouldn’t have a problem.
My advise is to make sure that you know representation points at the back of your head then it comes more naturally. Always back up quotes with Language devices thou. ie. Word classes; sentence types/moods and clauses.
Original post by LuckyStarMagic
My advise is to make sure that you know representation points at the back of your head then it comes more naturally. Always back up quotes with Language devices thou. ie. Word classes; sentence types/moods and clauses.

hey what do you mean in the first sentence?
My teachers taught us an 8 point checklist for representation.
Original post by izzy4509x
hey what do you mean in the first sentence?
Still can't belive reps are 70% of paper 1 :frown:
Original post by LuckyStarMagic
My teachers taught us an 8 point checklist for representation.

could you share? we don't have that
anyone know how old the extract was for text B last year? im doing the 2021 paper and text B is from 1743 and its awful to read because all the S's are f's :/
I don’t know sorry but it was a 1st chapter of an old cooking book.
can you give an example of what you mean by representation points ? if you don’t mind
Original post by LuckyStarMagic
My advise is to make sure that you know representation points at the back of your head then it comes more naturally. Always back up quotes with Language devices thou. ie. Word classes; sentence types/moods and clauses.

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