The Student Room Group

Not sure which offer to firm (Warwick or Bristol)

I have received offers for Economics and Finance at Bristol and Accounting and Finance with Placement Year at Warwick. I am aware that these two courses are very different, but I likely would have taken the Accounting and Finance*modules for E&F at Bristol. However I am unsure on which to firm as whilst Warwick is a more known university, will Accounting and Finance be extremely limiting in career prospects and is A&F as renowned at Warwick for firms? Ideally I would like to keep my options open as I am aware Investment Banking is extremely competitive, so it is no guarantee that I will enter that industry, but would it be worth it to go to Warwick studying a more focused degree and would A&F even be desired for Investment Banking firms?

Any advice is greatly appreciated
(edited 1 year ago)
Warwick IMO, although both great options. Warwick has a much greater presence in IB than bristol. In terms of courses, ACFI and Econ are viewed very similarly, and if anything accounting and finance may be favoured over econ in most cases.

So no ACFI wont limit you, and Warwick is a better uni to strengthen your applications imo for IB (although the location isn’t a lot of people’s cup of tea)

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