The Student Room Group

Internship dilemma

Hi All,
I have received two internship offers, one for BNY Mellon in Operations and one in the Civil Service. I would Prefer to do the BNY Mellon one but it starts on the 10th June and I could have exams till the 22nd June. My exam timetable gets released on the 22nd of April. What do I do?
Reply 1
hey, i did the bny mellon internship in operations last summer - they were pretty flexible if people had university exams during the internship period and allowed them the day off etc so you should be fine!
Reply 2
Original post by jennaroach
hey, i did the bny mellon internship in operations last summer - they were pretty flexible if people had university exams during the internship period and allowed them the day off etc so you should be fine!

That sounds great!!

How was the internship?
We’re you expected to work overtime?
Reply 3
Original post by zakariya.p
Hi All,
I have received two internship offers, one for BNY Mellon in Operations and one in the Civil Service. I would Prefer to do the BNY Mellon one but it starts on the 10th June and I could have exams till the 22nd June. My exam timetable gets released on the 22nd of April. What do I do?
Congrats for the offerl! I'm curious about the process and was wondering if you'd be comfortable sharing some of the questions they asked you?
Reply 4
Original post by mm3288
Congrats for the offerl! I'm curious about the process and was wondering if you'd be comfortable sharing some of the questions they asked you?

After sending my CV and cover letter, they scheduled a screening interview where they asked 3 questions. If successful they scheduled a half hour panel interview. The interview was very easy in my opinion.
Reply 5
Original post by zakariya.p
After sending my CV and cover letter, they scheduled a screening interview where they asked 3 questions. If successful they scheduled a half hour panel interview. The interview was very easy in my opinion.

was panel interview based on competency questions or on the firm itself?
Reply 6
Original post by mm3288
was panel interview based on competency questions or on the firm itself?

Competency if I remember. I think they asked for competencies about their values.
Reply 7
did hr call you about the offer
Reply 8
Original post by mm3288
did hr call you about the offer

They rang me the day after the interview

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