The Student Room Group

Plotting data on a graph.

Greetings to all reading this message,

I have been assigned to plot a line graph with 3 repeats.

I am also supposed to draw a line of best fit.

Should I plot all 3 data sets then draw 3 line of best fits, only draw 1 sample of the 3 repeats?
Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Greetings to all reading this message,

I have been assigned to plot a line graph with 3 repeats.

I am also supposed to draw a line of best fit.

Should I plot all 3 data sets then draw 3 line of best fits, only draw 1 sample of the 3 repeats?

Still having problems trying to solve this
Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Greetings to all reading this message,

I have been assigned to plot a line graph with 3 repeats.

I am also supposed to draw a line of best fit.

Should I plot all 3 data sets then draw 3 line of best fits, only draw 1 sample of the 3 repeats?

Not sure exactly what you mean. If the data set is small, could you post it / post the actual question.
Original post by mqb2766
Not sure exactly what you mean. If the data set is small, could you post it / post the actual question.

Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Greetings to all reading this message,

I have been assigned to plot a line graph with 3 repeats.

I am also supposed to draw a line of best fit.

Should I plot all 3 data sets then draw 3 line of best fits, only draw 1 sample of the 3 repeats?

Here is the graph guys:

Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Here is the graph guys:

What is the actual question?
Reply 6
Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Here is the graph guys:

Make a 3rd column 'mean' and plot that?
Original post by yzven
Make a 3rd column 'mean' and plot that?

Plot the mean per row or??
Reply 8
Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Plot the mean per row or??

Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
Plot the mean per row or??

Find the mean of the three samples and plot that value against time. Then draw the line of best fit.
Original post by Muttley79
Find the mean of the three samples and plot that value against time. Then draw the line of best fit.

So would that just be 3 data points on a line graph??

I was thinking maybe a scatter graph may be appropriate, what do you think?
Original post by Fck_Itz_Ash
So would that just be 3 data points on a line graph??

I was thinking maybe a scatter graph may be appropriate, what do you think?

?? Plot the mean for each time so they'll be one point for each of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 25 seconds.

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