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UCAS application discussion what are my odds?

My predicted grades are
A* Comp sci
A* Econ
A Maths
B Further maths
Grades achieved:
GCSE:9998887664 D
AS: B in further maths
My choices :
Data Science LSE AAA
Accounting and Finance LSE AAA
Accounting and Finance KCL A*AA
Economics KCL A*AA
Economics, Finance and Data Science ICL A*AA (AAA contextual)
These are very aspirational choices as I plan on studying in Netherlands(for lower tuition) if I don't get accepted.
For my PS my main focus was econ and data science.
Just as a discussion what do you guys think my chances are from 1-100 for each course so I can set my expectations.
Any help is appreciated
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 1
A Personal Statement that tries to cover both Data Science and Economics isnt likely to be that convincing for either.
Original post by McGinger
A Personal Statement that tries to cover both Data Science and Economics isnt likely to be that convincing for either.

I linked it by discussing how I plotted economic data using python (graph, heatmap etc) analysed it and then came to a hypothesis.
I figured that would have relevance
Reply 3
Original post by Dghsthvvg
My predicted grades are
A* Comp sci
A* Econ
A Maths
B Further maths
Grades achieved:
GCSE:9998887664 D
AS: B in further maths
My choices :
Data Science LSE AAA
Accounting and Finance LSE AAA
Accounting and Finance KCL A*AA
Economics KCL A*AA
Economics, Finance and Data Science ICL A*AA (AAA contextual)
These are very aspirational choices as I plan on studying in Netherlands(for lower tuition) if I don't get accepted.
For my PS my main focus was econ and data science.
Just as a discussion what do you guys think my chances are from 1-100 for each course so I can set my expectations.
Any help is appreciated

Very unlikely for LSE Data Science and ICL EFDS with a B in further maths

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