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Medical school query

if i got a grade 4 in english language for gcse but got 3 A* in a level in biology, chemistry, and maths would it be hard for me to get into medical school
Are these all GCSE results or some A Level results?
@flowersinmyhair Could you move this thread to the medicine forum please?
Original post by 123piranusha
if i got a grade 4 in english language for gcse but got 3 A* in a level in biology, chemistry, and maths would it be hard for me to get into medical school

yes it would be harder not impossible thou as only a certain number of schools accept that maybe better to resit for a 6 as it opens up more options and some seem to no longer be accepting it for 2025 entry only medical schools i can think that might is

bristol if you have a grade 7 in maths
maybe newcastle but that depends on what their gcse scoring system is like
queen mary (london) if english lit is grade 6 or above (777666 including maths eng lang/lit chem and bio or combined science)
queens belfast

so 5 or 6 schools including newcastle
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by normaw
@flowersinmyhair Could you move this thread to the medicine forum please?

Done :smile:
It would be hard now, and those that have lower GCSE often have high UCAT requirements. It may be even harder in the future, as requirements only seem to be getting tighter.

If you have the time and capacity now then I would talk to your school about resitting.

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