I'm hoping to do A-Level Physics at my school's Sixth Form, the grade requirements are:
Triple - 6 in Physics, another 6 & a 5
Combined - 6-6
I'm currently in triple science but likely going to be moved down to combined as I don't think I did great in my mocks (I get results on 29th Jan). I'm okay at Physics (I enjoy it and happy to put the work in for A-Level), I'm okay at Biology (I don't really enjoy it but I understand some topics), but I'm awful at Chemistry (apparently is unusual to be the weakest science but I just don't understand or enjoy it at all). I'm really happy to put the work in to get higher grades in all 3 elements, because even though Physics isn't necessary for my wanted degree at uni (BSc Software Engineering), but I know it can help - I'm planning to take Computer Science & Mathematics as my other 2 options, and with my backup being Business (Economics isn't offered), I know Physics is the better option.
Is there any advice? Should I try to stay in Triple Science or would Combined be the better/easier option?