The Student Room Group

year 13 AS-level?

il currently in year 12 and due to some personal matters wasn’t able to take on 4 subjects like i was planning too but i’m now wondering whether i’d be able to take an as-level in year 13?

secondly if that is the case i’m debating whether to retake english gcse or to sit a further maths as-level as i’m looking to do computer science at uni (aiming for a rg uni) and i understand that english will be an issue when it comes to applying but it would be cheaper and faster to take that outside of college then to take further maths. i’m worried that the alevels i am taking at the moment won’t suffice (i do maths physics and computer science)

any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated 👍
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Original post by TSR Jessica
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum
which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Your A-Levels are a great combination, however, I do believe taking AS Further Maths will strengthen your chances of getting into a Russell Group University. And yes, you should definitely re-do your English GCSE, but why did you leave it so last minute?? Anyways, I would suggest you do it outside of school, so you can put most of your focus on A-Levels. How ever, if your sixth-form offers this, in which some of them do, then this may be an easier route for you.

Hope this has helped, and feel free to ask any more questions!!
Original post by Kymarnii

Your A-Levels are a great combination, however, I do believe taking AS Further Maths will strengthen your chances of getting into a Russell Group University. And yes, you should definitely re-do your English GCSE, but why did you leave it so last minute?? Anyways, I would suggest you do it outside of school, so you can put most of your focus on A-Levels. How ever, if your sixth-form offers this, in which some of them do, then this may be an easier route for you.

Hope this has helped, and feel free to ask any more questions!!

hi thank you for responding, after speaking with my careers advisor he suggested i take english gcse retake with the school in year 13 and said i could consider getting some work experience/super curriculars to boost my personal statement, it’s all very sudden i know but i was quite ill so i’ve only sort of just got the opportunity to look into it.

as for further maths i’ve been told by a few people in year 13 that unis aren’t super interested in AS-Levels and care more about your outlook on the subject your applying for as a whole, would it maybe be worth reading some books related to cs?
Original post by biggie larges
hi thank you for responding, after speaking with my careers advisor he suggested i take english gcse retake with the school in year 13 and said i could consider getting some work experience/super curriculars to boost my personal statement, it’s all very sudden i know but i was quite ill so i’ve only sort of just got the opportunity to look into it.

as for further maths i’ve been told by a few people in year 13 that unis aren’t super interested in AS-Levels and care more about your outlook on the subject your applying for as a whole, would it maybe be worth reading some books related to cs?

Hey!! Your very welcome!! Yes, your careers advisor is right, and you should definitely do some work experience and super-curriculars as Universities love this. It will also be beneficial for you as well in the long-run as they provide great opportunities and experiences for all.

Regarding AS Further Maths, I believe that you should look on the websites of the Universities that you are interested in and look at their A-Level Grades and Requirements, don't pick your subjects based on what people tell you. This is a very COMMON MISTAKE!! Remember it is YOUR A-Levels, so I suggest that you do your research so you can feel comfortable in knowing what you will choose and gain a better understanding of the subjects that are required so you have an idea of what to choose.

Definitely read books related to Computer Science, do research, and perhaps, look at different websites about Computers Science. I know this isn't linked to your A-Levels, but I would like to give some advice based on picking your University. Make sure you that pick a degree and University based on what you would enjoy and feel comfortable learning. For example, if the Computer Science degree course for Durrham, you didn't like the topics/curriculum, and for Oxford you did, then I would suggest that you look more into Oxford, because you would not want to spend 3 years doing something you do not enjoy!!

WOW THAT WAS LONG!! Hope this has helped, and have a nice day!! :smile::smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Kymarnii
Original post by biggie larges
hi thank you for responding, after speaking with my careers advisor he suggested i take english gcse retake with the school in year 13 and said i could consider getting some work experience/super curriculars to boost my personal statement, it’s all very sudden i know but i was quite ill so i’ve only sort of just got the opportunity to look into it.

as for further maths i’ve been told by a few people in year 13 that unis aren’t super interested in AS-Levels and care more about your outlook on the subject your applying for as a whole, would it maybe be worth reading some books related to cs?

Hey!! Your very welcome!! Yes, your careers advisor is right, and you should definitely do some work experience and super-curriculars as Universities love this. It will also be beneficial for you as well in the long-run as they provide great opportunities and experiences for all.

Regarding AS Further Maths, I believe that you should look on the websites of the Universities that you are interested in and look at their A-Level Grades and Requirements, don't pick your subjects based on what people tell you. This is a very COMMON MISTAKE!! Remember it is YOUR A-Levels, so I suggest that you do your research so you can feel comfortable in knowing what you will choose and gain a better understanding of the subjects that are required so you have an idea of what to choose.

Definitely read books related to Computer Science, do research, and perhaps, look at different websites about Computers Science. I know this isn't linked to your A-Levels, but I would like to give some advice based on picking your University. Make sure you that pick a degree and University based on what you would enjoy and feel comfortable learning. For example, if the Computer Science degree course for Durrham, you didn't like the topics/curriculum, and for Oxford you did, then I would suggest that you look more into Oxford, because you would not want to spend 3 years doing something you do not enjoy!!

WOW THAT WAS LONG!! Hope this has helped, and have a nice day!! :smile::smile:

thank you so much you’ve been a life saver, il 100% look at what there courses cover because tbh i thought they all covered the same topics 😂, i’ve found cambridge’s super-curricular suggestions and it’s packed with things from podcasts to books and articles so i will definitely be looking into that, there isn’t a lot of places offering work experience near me or my college so do you reckon volunteering in a somewhat cs related field would be good enough for my personal statement?
Original post by biggie larges
Hey!! Your very welcome!! Yes, your careers advisor is right, and you should definitely do some work experience and super-curriculars as Universities love this. It will also be beneficial for you as well in the long-run as they provide great opportunities and experiences for all.

Regarding AS Further Maths, I believe that you should look on the websites of the Universities that you are interested in and look at their A-Level Grades and Requirements, don't pick your subjects based on what people tell you. This is a very COMMON MISTAKE!! Remember it is YOUR A-Levels, so I suggest that you do your research so you can feel comfortable in knowing what you will choose and gain a better understanding of the subjects that are required so you have an idea of what to choose.

Definitely read books related to Computer Science, do research, and perhaps, look at different websites about Computers Science. I know this isn't linked to your A-Levels, but I would like to give some advice based on picking your University. Make sure you that pick a degree and University based on what you would enjoy and feel comfortable learning. For example, if the Computer Science degree course for Durrham, you didn't like the topics/curriculum, and for Oxford you did, then I would suggest that you look more into Oxford, because you would not want to spend 3 years doing something you do not enjoy!!

WOW THAT WAS LONG!! Hope this has helped, and have a nice day!! :smile::smile:

thank you so much you’ve been a life saver, il 100% look at what there courses cover because tbh i thought they all covered the same topics 😂, i’ve found cambridge’s super-curricular suggestions and it’s packed with things from podcasts to books and articles so i will definitely be looking into that, there isn’t a lot of places offering work experience near me or my college so do you reckon volunteering in a somewhat cs related field would be good enough for my personal statement?
Your very welcome :smile:🙂 And yes that would be great!!

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