The Student Room Group

From 5's to 8's

I had done the MOCKS and got most of my grades being 6's and some 5's.
Physics I got 5 in which I want to do A levels for
Maths I got 6 I also want to do Alevels for this aswell
Economics I got 6 but in a previous assesment i got 7 so I am fluctuating hard in that area
I know its gonna be hard but I have the right mindset and plan to make them 8's by GCSE's. My only question is this: Is it truly possible?
Yes of course!!!
Us year 11’s have like 3 months left till our exams and I reckon with some active recall, blurting and identifying your mistakes in exam questions you can easily get a 7/8. Also, if possible try get your teacher or family member to mark your paper because if you mark it yourself you may be more lenient.
When I was doing class mocks for geography (AQA), I was getting 5’s and then 3 months later for my mock I got a 9! So it is possible and just FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!!!!
But anyways hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!


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