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Dentistry uni's application help!!

In my initial attempt, I achieved 6's in GCSE Science and a 5 in GCSE Maths. However, I decided to resit the Maths exam and successfully obtained a grade 9. Which Univeristy's would you suggest?
Reply 1
Original post by Fantasticmrfoxie
In my initial attempt, I achieved 6's in GCSE Science and a 5 in GCSE Maths. However, I decided to resit the Maths exam and successfully obtained a grade 9. Which Univeristy's would you suggest?

Heyy, what are your predicted grades, ucat and gcses
Hello! thank you for replying I'm currently in year 12, we sat some gcse's in year 10 which included maths where I got a 5 and I resat to get a 9 I got 6 8's and 1'9 and two 5's in classics and French
I'm predicted four A's
I was very stressed on if I'd be able to get in
Original post by Fantasticmrfoxie
In my initial attempt, I achieved 6's in GCSE Science and a 5 in GCSE Maths. However, I decided to resit the Maths exam and successfully obtained a grade 9. Which Univeristy's would you suggest?

Plymouth medical school maybe

you can use this to make informed decisions however make sure to look at whether schools rank gcses
I am in a similar position and used this for medicine (i just have low gcses in comparison to other medical school applicants not resits) and also try to maybe apply for schools that will give you contextual offers if eligible as some lower gcse requirements also check if schools allow resits for gcses you can email them regarding this
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 4
Original post by Fantasticmrfoxie
Hello! thank you for replying I'm currently in year 12, we sat some gcse's in year 10 which included maths where I got a 5 and I resat to get a 9 I got 6 8's and 1'9 and two 5's in classics and French
I'm predicted four A's
I was very stressed on if I'd be able to get in

no problem! your predicted grades are amazing well done, don’t worry you can definitely apply and hopefully get in as unis often use ur 8/9 best gcses. Id say focus on the ucat as many university weight it more than academic grades. Also there’s a programme called next step bristol where you get a guaranteed interview if you meet the requirements (if your parents haven’t attended uni, if you’re eligible for free school meals and some others). Don’t stress you will definitely have your chance at getting in, just focus on your ucat!! You can pm or follow my insta if you have any other questions as i’m a dental applicant
Original post by lilysilly_5454
Plymouth medical school maybe

you can use this to make informed decisions however make sure to look at whether schools rank gcses
I am in a similar position and used this for medicine (i just have low gcses in comparison to other medical school applicants not resits) and also try to maybe apply for schools that will give you contextual offers if eligible as some lower gcse requirements also check if schools allow resits for gcses you can email them regarding this

Thank you very very much!!
no problem! your predicted grades are amazing well done, don’t worry you can definitely apply and hopefully get in as unis often use ur 8/9 best gcses. Id say focus on the ucat as many university weight it more than academic grades. Also there’s a programme called next step bristol where you get a guaranteed interview if you meet the requirements (if your parents haven’t attended uni, if you’re eligible for free school meals and some others). Don’t stress you will definitely have your chance at getting in, just focus on your ucat!! You can pm or follow my insta if you have any other questions as i’m a dental applicant

Thank you very much!!
Reply 7
Original post by Fantasticmrfoxie
Hello! thank you for replying I'm currently in year 12, we sat some gcse's in year 10 which included maths where I got a 5 and I resat to get a 9 I got 6 8's and 1'9 and two 5's in classics and French
I'm predicted four A's
I was very stressed on if I'd be able to get in

There are also many foundation years ( bristol, manchester, plymouth) , or the kings enhanced support if you live in london and have attended a state secondary and sixth form. Definitely wait till ur ucat so you can have a holistic overview of ur application (book your ucat early so you can have time to narrow down ur ucas choices and write ur personal statement 30th of august is probably the best date)
There are also many foundation years ( bristol, manchester, plymouth) , or the kings enhanced support if you live in london and have attended a state secondary and sixth form. Definitely wait till ur ucat so you can have a holistic overview of ur application (book your ucat early so you can have time to narrow down ur ucas choices and write ur personal statement 30th of august is probably the best date)

Personal statement is changing to questions but we don't know them so maybe do bullet points of work experience and things you know / reasons to go into dentistry until we can access the questions through ucas
Thank you so much for the useful information!! Definitely makes me less stressed out thank you for taking the time to reply! :smile:
Reply 10
Original post by Fantasticmrfoxie
Thank you so much for the useful information!! Definitely makes me less stressed out thank you for taking the time to reply! :smile:

no problemm!! let me know if you would like anymore information, i’d be happy to give you more help and answer any questions you have/interview help if i get to tht stage in my application!!
Hi I am a student in year 12 and got mostly grade 8's and one 5 and 6 which was in French and RS and then 3 9's across all my GCSE's therefore I met the first eligibility criteria for all dentistry uni's. SO currently, I am doing 4 A levels as my school has set a mandatory issue that every student has to start off with four and then drop one. However I am in a bit of dilemma as i don't know whether to drop Sport Science or Maths, and atm I have done similiar amounts of tests and got similiar grades with both my predicted grades so far being A. I most entry requirements and they said that you have to Bio and Chem which i am currently doing and any other one. But i am not sure which subject to drop.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 12
Original post by off-nike
Hi I am a student in year 12 and got mostly grade 8's and one 5 and 6 which was in French and RS and then 3 9's across all my GCSE's therefore I met the first eligibility criteria for all dentistry uni's. SO currently, I am doing 4 A levels as my school has set a mandatory issue that every student has to start off with four and then drop one. However I am in a bit of dilemma as i don't know whether to drop Sport Science or Maths, and atm I have done similiar amounts of tests and got similiar grades with both my predicted grades so far being A. I most entry requirements and they said that you have to Bio and Chem which i am currently doing and any other one. But i am not sure which subject to drop.

Hiya, i would definitely say to keep the subject you find more enjoyable as it will be easier to get higher grades/to revise it if you like what your doing

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