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isaac physics graph sketching question (again)

(edited 11 months ago)
Id make the bumps more pronounced, so both higher and wider so you can see the tails more clearly and they dont hit the x axis as quickly. Worked for me. Note the rate of decay is controlled by the alpha in the exponential exponent and the peak height is determined by A.

On the right tail it looks like you may have an extra feature (minimum?) as there is a small square? But its hard to say
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by user142615920
IMG_0740.pngthank you for your reply. not sure if this is what you mean but i’m still not having much luck

Worked for me last night, but cant get the minimum at the origin right this morning (like you).
Original post by user142615920
IMG_0740.pngthank you for your reply. not sure if this is what you mean but i’m still not having much luck

Dont ask me how it worked after n attempts but ...
Reply 4
Original post by user142615920
thank you for attaching a picture! have tried n more times and still can’t get it to work. i’ll retry every so often though

It seems to be extremely senstive, which is the opposite of what a sketch should be so cant help much further. It may be worth reporting to isaac (there is a feedback button on hte question) but dont know if it does much.

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