The Student Room Group

How should I prepare for a Goldsmiths interview?

I’m currently ecstatic but really nervous since I’ve got an interview for Goldsmiths university interview coming up, applying for Fine art and art history.
I’m currently stressing on how to appropriately prepare for it, outfit attire, portfolio, how I should represent myself, especially knowing Goldsmiths art department likes conceptual design I’m struggling between a conceptual outfit and a formal one. And what information I should know about the course?
If anyone has any advice or experience I’d really appreciate it 🙏🏻
Thank you so much :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by JessiJanie
I’m currently ecstatic but really nervous since I’ve got an interview for Goldsmiths university interview coming up, applying for Fine art and art history.
I’m currently stressing on how to appropriately prepare for it, outfit attire, portfolio, how I should represent myself, especially knowing Goldsmiths art department likes conceptual design I’m struggling between a conceptual outfit and a formal one. And what information I should know about the course?
If anyone has any advice or experience I’d really appreciate it 🙏🏻
Thank you so much :smile:
Hey! I've got an interview this Friday for fine art and I was just wondering if you've had your interview yet and how it went?
Reply 2
Got my interview yesterday, did anyone else had it?
I think my interview was about 30 min. A LOT OF different questions. I don't even remember half of it because I was anxious as ****. :afraid:
there was 2 tutors and one student in the room. they were very serious and I felt intimidated.
good luck guys!
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
Got my interview yesterday, did anyone else had it?
I think my interview was about 30 min. A LOT OF different questions. I don't even remember half of it because I was anxious as ****. :afraid:
there was 2 tutors and one student in the room. they were very serious and I felt intimidated.
good luck guys!

this is exactly how mine was too 😭 for you did they seemed kind of pretentious and didn’t rly seem interested ? there was also a lot of awkward silences as they didn’t ask me many questions ? i got that from them and it actually really put me off choosing goldsmiths if i got an offer
Reply 4
Original post by r444ya
this is exactly how mine was too 😭 for you did they seemed kind of pretentious and didn’t rly seem interested ? there was also a lot of awkward silences as they didn’t ask me many questions ? i got that from them and it actually really put me off choosing goldsmiths if i got an offer

omg glad to hear im not the only one who felt this way!
yes, awkward silences! I was expecting more like a friendly and chill chat but was it was so nerve wracking. the other interviews I had in the past weeks with other universities I felt welcomed and at ease with the people interviewing me. I tried to read what was the vibe but I couldn't tell if they liked my work or no. because I was feeling unease I had the impression I was talking a lot of **** lol :facepalm:
how long was your interview? what type of things did they ask you?
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #1
omg glad to hear im not the only one who felt this way!
yes, awkward silences! I was expecting more like a friendly and chill chat but was it was so nerve wracking. the other interviews I had in the past weeks with other universities I felt welcomed and at ease with the people interviewing me. I tried to read what was the vibe but I couldn't tell if they liked my work or no. because I was feeling unease I had the impression I was talking a lot of **** lol :facepalm:
how long was your interview? what type of things did they ask you?
oh my god exactly same ! i had no idea what they thought about my work or what i was saying and they really didn’t give anything away. i felt so uneasy too😿 my ual interview was way more friendly and i got an offer from there today too!
my interview was around 15 minutes? they just asked me to talk them through my work, told me to be open to criticism n working independently. but that’s mainly it sadly ? wby??
i was rly disappointed bc i travelled four hours to ldn for what i thought was my dream uni :/
Reply 6
Original post by r444ya
oh my god exactly same ! i had no idea what they thought about my work or what i was saying and they really didn’t give anything away. i felt so uneasy too😿 my ual interview was way more friendly and i got an offer from there today too!
my interview was around 15 minutes? they just asked me to talk them through my work, told me to be open to criticism n working independently. but that’s mainly it sadly ? wby??
i was rly disappointed bc i travelled four hours to ldn for what i thought was my dream uni :/
congrats on the offer!:smile: which course and whereabouts at UAL?
yes on my interview they didn't give anything away either. looolll
they asked me some personal questions about my previous studies because Im not from the uk but I went to uni in my country ( I studied law but im a drop out) so from there why I dropped out uni, why do I want to do art now, why goldsmiths, some stuff from my personal statement, I spoke about my work very briefly. but overall I would like to have answer the questions better but as I was nervous I don't know if I expressed myself enough for them to understand the concepts of my work and my ideas. but oh well! :bricks:
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous #1
congrats on the offer!:smile: which course and whereabouts at UAL?
yes on my interview they didn't give anything away either. looolll
they asked me some personal questions about my previous studies because Im not from the uk but I went to uni in my country ( I studied law but im a drop out) so from there why I dropped out uni, why do I want to do art now, why goldsmiths, some stuff from my personal statement, I spoke about my work very briefly. but overall I would like to have answer the questions better but as I was nervous I don't know if I expressed myself enough for them to understand the concepts of my work and my ideas. but oh well! :bricks:

honestly i feel u i was saying the exact same thing to my friends after ! im not glad we had like an awkward experience but im also glad to not feel alone ? 😭 also im sure ur work is amazing and don’t let it get to you too much 💟 and thank you!! ba fine art at central saint martains :smile: wby n where else have u applied !
Reply 8
Original post by r444ya
honestly i feel u i was saying the exact same thing to my friends after ! im not glad we had like an awkward experience but im also glad to not feel alone ? 😭 also im sure ur work is amazing and don’t let it get to you too much 💟 and thank you!! ba fine art at central saint martains :smile: wby n where else have u applied !

heya did you get any results?
I applied for Chelsea and camberwell which I already got offers and the goldsmiths offer just came today! :lovedup:
im very surprised since my interview was a train wreck!
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous #1
heya did you get any results?
I applied for Chelsea and camberwell which I already got offers and the goldsmiths offer just came today! :lovedup:
im very surprised since my interview was a train wreck!

that’s so amazing congrats!!! n goldsmiths didn’t offer me a place sadly but honestly i think i would’ve chosen ual instead if i had gotten one 😭
Original post by r444ya
that’s so amazing congrats!!! n goldsmiths didn’t offer me a place sadly but honestly i think i would’ve chosen ual instead if i had gotten one 😭

They are still giving offers, a girl from my foundation course also did the interview and she is waiting the response, good luck!!!! 💚
Reply 11
Original post by Anonymous #1
They are still giving offers, a girl from my foundation course also did the interview and she is waiting the response, good luck!!!! 💚

u are so nice thank you sm i should’ve phrased my response better but my application was unsuccessful:frown: i honestly don’t really mind though bc im so happy i got an interview alone and getting into ual ! i wish u the best 💟
Original post by Anonymous
heya did you get any results?
I applied for Chelsea and camberwell which I already got offers and the goldsmiths offer just came today! :lovedup:
im very surprised since my interview was a train wreck!

Heyy, congratulations!! Can I ask you some questions about your interview?
Original post by Anonymous
Heyy, congratulations!! Can I ask you some questions about your interview?

heya, I wrote about it on this page few posts above 😀

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