Thanks so much this is really helpful!!! Yeah I feel level two is missing what’s required to do the degree, I make jewellery at home n create impressive things but I’ve not had any experience in developing an independent way of approaching design or the portfolio and a few people on the course don’t care at all, which means the teacher cannot be as invested in me as I’d like as she’s drawn to their questions and need for her help after not turning up for various classes etc. Also Jenny didn’t truly know what I should do for the portfolio so o literally made it up, I had no guidance. It sounds on the predegree to be ideal as although your interest is in jewellery and you’re good at it, you now have a strong portfolio of a multitude of ideas and creations of all sorts, you know how to present it and you’ve been able to develop an independence with design that goes beyond simply making interesting or beautiful jewellery. I do feel it would be ideal if i do the predegree to bridge that gap between the courses. I’m very creative but I don’t know anything really about art school or much about design n I’m 37 and was a nurse. I feel I’ve created some wonderful things but I lack certain things that I can learn if I follow the same path as yours. Thanks so much for sharing as it makes me feel better about not yet being offered an interview.
Some teachers at Morley were criticising saint martins etc for requiring ppl to do a predegree but I found their views are out of touch and overly negative, as clearly the predegree is a very important part of the whole journey, and is about developing ppl as artists, not about ‘making money’ as they suggested.
When’s your interview? Is it with sally? X