I'll get a picture. Should be one of the two of us bro'ing out somewhere. He's the one with whom I water bombed some spaz member of staff on the last day of school and got threatened with prosecution.
I'll get a picture. Should be one of the two of us bro'ing out somewhere. He's the one with whom I water bombed some spaz member of staff on the last day of school and got threatened with prosecution.
I'd like to gunge some of the girls who frequent TSR, lemme tell ya!
Personally, I wouldn't mind being in noel's house party gunge tank if the 'stuff' didn't smell bad
I just YT'd that. I hate coffee and even I know that espresso is not expresso. Noel's a retard.
Yeah kayzy, it was pretty wild. We had to leave the school site so I drove us to his house because his mum's cooler than mine and we played GTA IV right after it came out.