The Student Room Group

Will I still have to pay for the IHS again to apply for a new student visa?

Do I have to pay for the IHS again if I want to withdraw my original visa and apply for a new visa even if the new visa, which is going to be the same type of visa, expires before the day that my IHS gets expired? I want to get onto other course after foundation year at different university and I informed this to those who work for the company who takes responsibility in terms of this foundation course already. Also I made it clear that I will take other course after the foundation course to the person who processed my CAS letter after that conversation so I thought that I wouldn’t have to apply for a new student visa. After then I applied for some level 4 courses at these universities and they all told me that it would be impossible to keep my current visa if I want to study at their universities, ergo I will have to withdraw my current visa and apply for a new visa after my foundation course ends.

I already paid for the IHS that is planned to be expired in October 2027 which is the month my CAS letter says my course will be finished in, and the course I am planning to progress onto will end before the month I mentioned above and my new visa will also last until October 2027.

Given all the informations I mentioned above, will I still have to pay for the IHS again to apply for a new student visa?