The Student Room Group

Really inconsiderate flatmate....

Literally,the guy in the room next to me...SO inconsiderate.

He plays his music so so so day I could hear it at the bus stop, a good 100* metres away,so you can imagine what it was like in the room!

So he plays his music loud at all hours.He has his friends around at all hours(though the curfew is midnight),they pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall the other night, they pulled the lock off someone's food cupboard the other week, they keep trying to get into my room, make pervy comments when I see them...and the such. It is really inconsiderate,especially when I'm doing a really heavy course and have a lot of studying to do.

I've asked him to turn the music down but I don't want to keep nagging him. I'm debating reporting him to reception as it's literally been a constant thing since the start of October....I think they'd probably issue him with a warning or something, but I'm kind of scared of him..he's a tall guy and I don't know...looks somewhat dangerous! I don't really want to p*ss him off but at the same time,it's not fair on me to have to put up with it.

What do you think I should do?
Reply 1
Well as you're a girl you shouldn't be scared of him, if he ever tried to hurt you in anyway, probably every other guy there would just beat him to a pulp surely?

Report him asap. He is a ****** and will be kicked out soon anyway.

[EDIT] lol why can't we say that word, hehe.
Reply 2
A few of us in the flat keep moaning about him. I'm just worried about the fact that everyone goes home on a weekend more or less so it's often just me on my own and him for one night:s-smilie:...

I guess I could report him and ask to remain anonymous....although it will probably still be so obvious it's me.Reception are already aware he/his friends caused trouble as the broken lock was reported to them...
Explain the situation to him, i'm sure he'll listen, if he doesn't then report him.
At least give him a chance to stop being a prick.
Reply 4
You could try reasoning with him one last time, mention that if nothing changes then you're going to feel compelled to report him but you don't want to have to do that, etc. Just try to make him understand that you've got to live there too, you don't want to nag, maybe suggest you could both compromise somehow? Like you're fine with him playing music until 11pm but after that he's got to wear headphones or something, however he can play it later on Friday/Saturday nights?

I hated several of my flatmates in the first year, mainly due to loud music at inconsiderate times and them never doing their washing up. It's much better in your second year onwards when you can choose who you live with in a house.
Reply 5
^^I kinda already did.He knows he's caused trouble and I've made him well aware that his music is too loud.....last time I asked him to turn it down he did so...but not long after it was back the same level it was before!

He just doesn't really...listen.And as I said he's scary and I don't want to annoy him.
lol, you don't want to annoy him?!

I never had this problem in my 1st year but if i did then i'd definitely do something about it. You say he's scary but i doubt very much he'd ever do anything suspect towards you, if he did report him again.
Reply 7
lol, you don't want to annoy him?!

I never had this problem in my 1st year but if i did then i'd definitely do something about it. You say he's scary but i doubt very much he'd ever do anything suspect towards you, if he did report him again.

I guess so,it's just after the way his friends were being all pervy towards me and keep trying to come into my room-that's what makes me worried:frown:I know it's probably stupid and they'd never do anything but still.
Reply 8
I found the best solution with these type of people is to wait until they are asleep and then play your own constant loud music to keep them awake. They will then in all likelyhood be more considerate. Sounds childish but this was the only solution I could find last year since reporting to the wardens didn't work.
Reply 9
Report him NOW and also to the university if your accommodation is affiliated with the uni in some way - this will fall under harrassment / bullying and he should get a warning that he will be kicked out of uni as well as his accommodation.

In my first year my life was a misery due to the inconsiderate, selfish people I lived with - 3 of us lived in misery while the other 5 (1 of whom didn't even live there, he moved in unofficially from another flat to live with his disgusting girlfriend) carried on regardless.
They never cleaned, tidied, took the rubbish down (ok, annoying and lazy but not the end of the world) but went out every single night and deliberately woke us up and then kept us awake, usually between 3am-5.30am every single night. EVERY NIGHT. They brought people back to the flat every night, were taking drugs, sh*gging on the kitchen table, :eek: (no I never ate at that table again, there is not enough bleach in the world) took clothes from my flatmates' room and denied it, (we quickly learnt to lock doors) had regular screaming matches between themselves and other people that had come back with them, and ate every bit of food we bought. It was constant and unrelenting.
I had a heavy course workload even in the first year, and came out of the first year depressed, sleep deprived and with a 2:2, hating uni and feeling cheated out of enjoying my first year at uni.

We tried hinting, talking, notes, begging, reporting to security, reporting to the accommodation supervisors, accommodation managers, we had big mediation meetings, they were threatened, but ultimately until they were told that if we chose to complain to the uni and they could easily be kicked out for harrassment, it didnt make one iota of difference. It quietened down slightly about a month before the end of term on the strength of this threat, and we existed barely communicating in a tension-filled hell hole.

Needless to say we don't speak anymore. (although myself and the nice 2 have an unbreakable bond resulting from what we endured, so every cloud and all that...!!)

Sorry to rant :frown: , just really empathise with you!!
Moral of the Story - be strong and take action NOW. It's only November, you have another seven months to get through.
they pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall the other night, they pulled the lock off someone's food cupboard the other week, they keep trying to get into my room

Obviously try to talk to him first; but that fairly clearly isnt going to do anything. Speak to your resident tutor and tell them what theyve done, they'll be very interested in the fire extinguisher bit, thats automatic expulsion in most universitys.
Obviously try to talk to him first; but that fairly clearly isnt going to do anything. Speak to your resident tutor and tell them what theyve done, they'll be very interested in the fire extinguisher bit, thats automatic expulsion in most universitys.

Yes it is, we have issues with the fire extingisher and this threat was made.
(didn't make a difference overall, boo! but at least they didnt touch the fire extinguishers again so if they had set fire to the flat with their 4am cooking and constant smoking, I had some chance of survival!!)
Reply 12
Report him NOW and also to the university if your accommodation is affiliated with the uni in some way - this will fall under harrassment / bullying and he should get a warning that he will be kicked out of uni as well as his accommodation.

In my first year my life was a misery due to the inconsiderate, selfish people I lived with - 3 of us lived in misery while the other 5 (1 of whom didn't even live there, he moved in unofficially from another flat to live with his disgusting girlfriend) carried on regardless.
They never cleaned, tidied, took the rubbish down (ok, annoying and lazy but not the end of the world) but went out every single night and deliberately woke us up and then kept us awake, usually between 3am-5.30am every single night. EVERY NIGHT. They brought people back to the flat every night, were taking drugs, sh*gging on the kitchen table, :eek: (no I never ate at that table again, there is not enough bleach in the world) took clothes from my flatmates' room and denied it, (we quickly learnt to lock doors) had regular screaming matches between themselves and other people that had come back with them, and ate every bit of food we bought. It was constant and unrelenting.
I had a heavy course workload even in the first year, and came out of the first year depressed, sleep deprived and with a 2:2, hating uni and feeling cheated out of enjoying my first year at uni.

We tried hinting, talking, notes, begging, reporting to security, reporting to the accommodation supervisors, accommodation managers, we had big mediation meetings, they were threatened, but ultimately until they were told that if we chose to complain to the uni and they could easily be kicked out for harrassment, it didnt make one iota of difference. It quietened down slightly about a month before the end of term on the strength of this threat, and we existed barely communicating in a tension-filled hell hole.

Needless to say we don't speak anymore. (although myself and the nice 2 have an unbreakable bond resulting from what we endured, so every cloud and all that...!!)

Sorry to rant :frown: , just really empathise with you!!
Moral of the Story - be strong and take action NOW. It's only November, you have another seven months to get through.

That was pretty bad.

I also have a noisy person on my corridor who leaves his door open and plays loud music all the time, although earplugs work wonders :wink: . He also propps open the main door onto the corridor with a fire extinguisher so that poeple from other coridors can get in. (is that classed as tampering with fire equuipment as he is using a fire extinguisher to keep the main door open, which itself is a fire door?). He should just let peiople in anyway, seen as he live next to the door.
You mentioned that a few of you in the flat are annoyed with him, bring them along with you and complain to the appropriate person. Safety in numbers.

Alternatively, type a complaint letter and drop it in anonymously to wherever it needs to go.

There are other sneaky underhand methods that can be used later...
stand your ground...dont be scared....y should u suffer because of someone else!?
Reply 15
That was pretty bad.

I also have a noisy person on my corridor who leaves his door open and plays loud music all the time, although earplugs work wonders :wink: . He also propps open the main door onto the corridor with a fire extinguisher so that poeple from other coridors can get in. (is that classed as tampering with fire equuipment as he is using a fire extinguisher to keep the main door open, which itself is a fire door?). He should just let peiople in anyway, seen as he live next to the door.

No but its classes as tampering with fire doors, which at very least will land you with a hefty fine.

Just report him. I've got this git upstairs who plays his music so loud i can hear it perfectly in my room. I've been up twice before and told him and he seemed compliant but he keeps doing it. I've even been up before and banged on his door, only it was too loud for him to even hear my knock!!
In the end i got fed up cos ive been ill and rang the warden, she went straight up. Seems to have quietened down but if does it again i will tell the warden to issue him with a written warning!
Reply 16
I can't believe your house managers let people get away with stuff like the examples above! Ours is a little dragony but she would not stand for any of it, tampered with fire extiguishers are a £100 fine, loud noise after 11 and there would be trouble. I can picture my house manager kicking any of those idiots out. So be brave and report them! It's not acceptable.

You could never get away with drugs here ellewoods, I think the cleaners have a quick snoop around every morning just to check. Plus we have a room inspection this week, they search under the sink and stuff apparently (that's where drugs have been hidden before I think.)
I can't believe your house managers let people get away with stuff like the examples above! Ours is a little dragony but she would not stand for any of it, tampered with fire extiguishers are a £100 fine, loud noise after 11 and there would be trouble. I can picture my house manager kicking any of those idiots out. So be brave and report them! It's not acceptable.

You could never get away with drugs here ellewoods, I think the cleaners have a quick snoop around every morning just to check. Plus we have a room inspection this week, they search under the sink and stuff apparently (that's where drugs have been hidden before I think.)

We had just 2 inspections a year, and we got about 3 days notice - we didnt have cleaners or anyone else to keep an eye on things that went on inside the flat. When we complained about the drugs (amongst everything else!) they denied it, and of course, we couldnt prove it afterwards. I actually answered the door at 4am once because whoever was there was continually kicking at it and nobody else was in, and 2 blatantly hammered first year girls were stood there saying "is **** in, we wanna get some coke".

Be grateful for having a dragony house manager, I wish we had have had someone with some balls to sort them out!!!