The Student Room Group

Inner forearm tattoo: is it a problem?


I've been thinking about it for few months already. It'll certainly be a Latin sentence printed in black.

I'm wondering though:

1- Is it painful? Because the veins are quite visible in this area & there's not a lot of fat/muscle covering the arm so I was guessing that it must hurt more :dontknow:

2- Job-wise, will I have any problem during interviews? I'm planning to be in the consulting/project management field so mainly office/meeting duties. I heard some boroughs in London won't allow tattoo shops to do visible tattoos on neck or forearm so would like to know a bit more on the regulations.

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Reply 1
I have a half sleeve and found that it hurts more on the forearm as opposed to the inner forearm/wrist area! No idea about where they will and will not tattoo though. I think most places would ask if you are able to have visible ones due to work.
Reply 2
1 - I seem to remember my inner forearm tattoo being fairly uncomfortable but not too bad - I've had worse.

2 - Wear a shirt.
I had a 3.5 hour inner forearm piece done on friday and have a full sleeve on t'other arm..

I'd say that the inner wrist, nearest your hand is the most painful part.. I have quite slim arms so not much muscle or anything there as padding and the bit over the bones and veins can be a bit sharp. Outer and side of forearms barely hurt in my opinion.

But overall none of it is that bad.

Depending on what job you have, just wear a long sleeve? That's the only real solution.. I'm going into engineering so if I end up in a shirt and tie position I've got to be willing to wear a ling sleeve shirt to cover them up, unless my employer is cool. As long as it's not on your hands then you still have that option.
Original post by cdsmith1990
I had a 3.5 hour inner forearm piece done on friday and have a full sleeve on t'other arm..

I'd say that the inner wrist, nearest your hand is the most painful part.. I have quite slim arms so not much muscle or anything there as padding and the bit over the bones and veins can be a bit sharp. Outer and side of forearms barely hurt in my opinion.

But overall none of it is that bad.

Depending on what job you have, just wear a long sleeve? That's the only real solution.. I'm going into engineering so if I end up in a shirt and tie position I've got to be willing to wear a ling sleeve shirt to cover them up, unless my employer is cool. As long as it's not on your hands then you still have that option.

how much will it costs? it's a 5 words sentence
Original post by destination unknown
how much will it costs? it's a 5 words sentence

Pun intended? :colonhash:
Original post by destination unknown
how much will it costs? it's a 5 words sentence

Couldn't really say as different studios have different pricing.. at a very rough guess, depending on the size / style of writing, anywhere from £5-20 per word..

Although if it could be done in an hour then you'd probably be looking at a flat rate of about £60.
Original post by cdsmith1990
Couldn't really say as different studios have different pricing.. at a very rough guess, depending on the size / style of writing, anywhere from £5-20 per word..

Although if it could be done in an hour then you'd probably be looking at a flat rate of about £60.


If anyone has something to add, feel free :biggrin:
Reply 8
you will regret it in 20 years
Reply 9
In that case, I'm due to start regretting my tattoos in four years. No sign of remorse yet, but I'll keep you posted. Will I wake up suddenly regretting them, or will the sensation creep up on me gradually?
Reply 10
If I was interviewing for a professional job and saw a tattoo I would be put off. First impressions are impooortant and a tattoo would shape that for me. If you can cover it up then it won't be such an issue, and get it if you wish. I personally feel tattoos make people look unprofessional though.
Original post by Bimber
you will regret it in 20 years

Really? Exactly 20 years? Not 17 or 24?

I assume you have done research to back up your claim? Could you perhaps provide a link that gives examples of a substantial percentage of people that instantly regretted their tattoos 20 years after they got them? That'd be grrreat!
Original post by tory88
If I was interviewing for a professional job and saw a tattoo I would be put off. First impressions are impooortant and a tattoo would shape that for me. If you can cover it up then it won't be such an issue, and get it if you wish. I personally feel tattoos make people look unprofessional though.

That's what I'm scared off...despite being a pity!

I'm planning to be working in senior management: for interviews, I think it wont be a problem due to suit covering it.
But what about everyday work-life? I mean I tend to roll my long-sleeve shirt so I don't know if this can be badly viewed by my future colleagues
1 guy says one thing and all of you with tattoos get butthurt. Calm down. :facepalm2:
Reply 14
I am, for my sins, an actual grown-up with an actual grown-up job. I mostly wear long sleeves at work, but in contexts where no-one'll be bothered, I do roll them up. I'd say, expect to have to keep your tattoos covered at work, and if you don't feel you can bear to wear long sleeves every day then maybe think about a different location for your tattoo. (You should see the bother I have to go through safety pinning my work blouses to make sure the tattoos on my chest don't show!)
Original post by destination unknown

I've been thinking about it for few months already. It'll certainly be a Latin sentence printed in black.

I'm wondering though:

1- Is it painful? Because the veins are quite visible in this area & there's not a lot of fat/muscle covering the arm so I was guessing that it must hurt more :dontknow:

2- Job-wise, will I have any problem during interviews? I'm planning to be in the consulting/project management field so mainly office/meeting duties. I heard some boroughs in London won't allow tattoo shops to do visible tattoos on neck or forearm so would like to know a bit more on the regulations.

1. No - really not any pain at all. Yet in saying so every experience is different. Mine - wasn't sore, I barely felt it and it covers the full length and width of my inner forearm.

2. No (Depending on which jobs applied for) Personally I have never had any problems as you can always wear long shirts or jackets. If your applying for a position where tattoos are generally not seen then yes you may need to cover them up or re-think the position in which you have originally planned. I suggest if you have decided your career path try and look for people to speak too or even online if they are discouraged or not.
Reply 16
Original post by destination unknown
That's what I'm scared off...despite being a pity!

I'm planning to be working in senior management: for interviews, I think it wont be a problem due to suit covering it.
But what about everyday work-life? I mean I tend to roll my long-sleeve shirt so I don't know if this can be badly viewed by my future colleagues

As an equal, I would probably form an initial impression of you that wasn't too great, but that would easily cancel when I talked more with you I'm sure. However, if you were my superior I would lack respect for you if I saw a tattoo - this may just be me, I have a problem with authority where if I don't respect a senior figure they have little authority with me.
Reply 17
eww I can imagine that looking very bad.. :s-smilie:
1 guy says one thing and all of you with tattoos get butthurt. Calm down. :facepalm2:

Who's butt-hurt exactly?

I picked up on the guy that made a completely vague claim and contributed nothing to the thread...

The person that was talking about how he'd view people with tattoos in an interview made a relevant point.

Speaking as someone with tattoos, I don't care what side of the fence you're on as long as don't just post bullsh*t...
I've got a tattoo on my inner forearm going from my wrist to my elbow and it has never been a problem, I work in the nhs and I've had managers and doctors compliment my tattoo and I've never been told to cover it up whilst working. Also when I went to all my uni interviews my tattoo was visible and I was given offers after all interviews, and one of the nhs trust mangers who was interviewing complimented my tattoo. So personally it has not been a problem to me so far, however some employers/companies will find it a problem as tattoos don't look professional, I think I've just been lucky as trust policies do say that tattoos should be covered up where possible.

It also probably depends on what the tattoo is of, for example if you've got an image that might be seen as offensive.

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