The Student Room Group
Reply 1

Not sure about the actual UCAS sign (really does look like Arial/Verdana to me), but that gives the fonts for the rest of the text.
Reply 2
ok thanks .... in the logo i got the black text ... its just the red A thats annying me ... jus gonna use a normal one and rub bits out, unless its a real font lol
Reply 3
I doubt it is. UCAS probably did the same thing as you.

Why do you want to know this?
Reply 4
makin a poster for a ucas seminar thing im orgainsin in my community
Reply 5
Day Dream
makin a poster for a ucas seminar thing im orgainsin in my community

The alternative of course is to get a copy of the image, put it in a Vector graphics package and trace the outline. Then you can scale it up to your hearts content. :smile:
[EDIT] I often find it to easier than hunting for a font that might be insanely expensive.
Reply 6
Take this as an example.
I took the original Download Festival logo - which uses a bespoke font AFAIK.

Used the same process as I suggested before using Flash, and made this:

And that's now fully scaleable and doesn't look like you're looking at it through cataracts. :smile:
Reply 7
yea but i wana use more letters than U C A S lol, das the onli hurdle
Reply 8
Just use an alternative font that looks close enough!

Bolded Arial/Verdana/Tahoma etc - one would probably fit it.
Reply 9
Um, ask UCAS? :wink:
Day Dream
yea but i wana use more letters than U C A S lol, das the onli hurdle

Hold on - you want to know what font they use for the other letters than u, c, a and s, even though they're the only letters used? :biggrin: It's probably (almost certainly) a graphic and not a real font. Make it up. :smile:
Reply 11
You could try using WhatTheFont to identify it.