The Student Room Group

Profile Pages are looking... interesting

Problem Summary
Profile Pages are looking... interesting

Problem Details

List of points:
- Avatars are tiny, because they've shrunk on other pages that shouldn't mean they are tiny on the profile page. The page literally about you.
- Text editor on VMs is ancient. See ticket about PMs.
- Tabs are extremely contrasting colours - which is quite challenging visually.
- Not sure if fonts match rest of site and they are visually quite thin compared to current branding.
- Tabs are just not a great shape.
- "Go advance" should surely read "Go advanced" - simple typo but it's annoying me now




Additional Information
Please don't throw any board pens out of the window EH :naughty:
Thanks, this is another page I'll pass on to the the product team to consider for an update. I'll put a bug in our backlog for the typo to be fixed.

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