Hey, hope you're enjoying the course so far.... any lectures you hate yet?
Only joking...you will be told in PREN1110 (theoretical knowledge ppl thing...) about the AFE series of books - theres 5 of them and you will get them a little cheaper.
We had a meeting about flying today in the Houldsworth. You people are now going to be training at Teesside, Cleveland flying school are providing the training, and the university have employed a company called Northern Aviation to run the scheme. I honestly think that you lot are going to get a better and more fair deal than we are, as LFS have messed things up a bit for us. Just out of interest, who is teaching you theoretical knowledge for PPL? It used to be Tony Denson, but I shaln't get started on him!
Not sure if you knew this already, but if not I probably shouldnt have told u, so it wasnt me lol.
Dont buy any books for other modules tho. The only exception is Engineering Mathematics by KA Stroud, which I recommend as you can use it for maths in 1st and 2nd year.
Let me know how its going anyway