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Reply 1
Nope but it sounds hella cool :cool:
Nope but it sounds hella cool :cool:

Yeah well good!
I'm going into its second year now.

If you want any information about it then I'll try to help, a bit lol.

One question for you though, do you know where the flight training is going to be based at next summer? I've heard theyre changing it to Teesside.

(sorry, Durham Tees Valley) lol.
Reply 4
hi...i'm switching to it hopefully...can any of you give me any info on it??? hotmail?msn?lol
well its quite a new course - only been running for i think 4 years. so it changes quite a bit from year to year, but ill try to help. I think what's changed is that the flight training base has moved, but I dont know about that, new applicants will probably have been told about it in more detail than us!

what do u wanna know?
Reply 6 about the medical class 2? how strict is it? and do u need it to fly..? when ?....ummm what you could do with that degree? job opportunities?
well if you're wanting to do the pilot studies course, then you get a PPL which cannot be part of the course. All thats part of the course is the 40 or 45 hours we get (I know you need 45 for the PPL).

All you need the medical for is to fly solo. That usually happens after about 12 hours training. Since most people RE doing the course to get a licence, you will need to fly solo, and therefore have a medical.

So to answer your question yes you do need a medical. It's not that strict to be honest, I don't know of anyone who failed it. The AME will also advise you if you have any issues regarding the issue of the class 1 which you will need for a CPL/ATPL. It's thorough though, they check everything lol.

Job opportunities....well I suppose you're more likely to be taken on by a sponsorship scheme for a CPL since you're showing dedication to aviation. But a degree is rarely asked for by flight training organisations. I prefer to think of the degree as a fall back in case I do not become a commercial pilot. Could be useful for all sorts of things - ATC, airport management, operations management. More generally - the course focusses on engineering and business as well as just aviation

Hope that helps.
Reply 8
Yeh that's quite useful....thanks a lot...hey about these sponsorships...what are the chances? is it highly unlikely or a good chance they would take you on?
Reply 9
I'm going into its second year now.

If you want any information about it then I'll try to help, a bit lol.

One question for you though, do you know where the flight training is going to be based at next summer? I've heard theyre changing it to Teesside.

(sorry, Durham Tees Valley) lol.

Hey i haven't heard anything about that except i'm from Teesside and when i had a lesson the instructor said they were in discussions with leeds univeristy about flying there? Is the course really hard and how many hours is it? Are there many girls? When do u get to start your flying? sarah x
sponsorship schemes: cant say a lot about, but i know at least 3 people have been taken on from the year that has just graduated (im sure loads more have though)


im from teesside as well - which flying club did you have a lesson at?

In our year there was about 70 people doing pilot studies (maybe 60). I'm sorry to say that theres only 4 girls but they all seem to get on well!

I wouldnt say the course is hard to be honest. you might be slightly bored in your first year as the modules are designed to give you a sort of engineering background. ok theyre just boring, but stick with it because it gets better! there are about 4 interesting modules out of the 12, the others may seem pretty irrelevant.

you will do an hours trial flight in march, and then you will be placed in a group of 4-6 students. each group gets a three week block of monday-friday flight training at the airfield. these groups start straight after the exam period, so mid early june I think! Then you make up the rest of your 40 hours during the 2nd year. I have a lot to do because we had bad weather in my block, and only managed to get 16 hours :frown:
Reply 11
Hiya thank you for the information. It was at Cleveland flying school. Aslong as i'm not the only one i'll be fine lol, just don't want to be the odd one out! How many hours a week of lectures and things do you have? Can't wait now seems sooo interesting:s-smilie: lol!
Oh right, I did a half hour trial flight with them 4 years ago, but did 5 hours with St George. My instuctor was called gary oldfield i think, hes probably moved on a long time ago now heh.

You should be in about 16-18 hours in first year. Erm... you know if you go onto, select view programme timetable, process&env engineering then aviation tech pilot / 1 then you'll be able to view a rather confusing timetable. I just looked for you and it looks a little bit different to ours. If you've registered online then you should know what modules you are doing - but maybe not I'm not sure if that applies to first years.

2nd year we're only in tuesdays and thursdays - mint!

Dont get me wrong I'm not saying its not interesting. Yeh parts of it arent interesting but you get that with all courses. Also, there's a new head of the Aviation programme, so things might be slightly different for your year.
Reply 13
thank you! Yeah not everything can be interesting all the time. Yeah i've only had two trial lessons there. Yeah we do get the modules we registered for, i tried the timetable but didn't have a clue but i emailed the uni and they said they were sending a letter out this week. what accommodation did you stay in last year?
yeh they told us they'll be emailing us our final timetables....only time will tell!

i stayed in lupton til november then moved to montague burton cos my flatmates were ********s...both are pretty good, altho MB was 5 mins walk from uni which was handy, where u staying?
Reply 15
oh dear i hope my flatmates are nice sooo nervous! I'm staying in Leodis it isn't too far from the uni so should be ok. Is Leeds a good place to live then? any dodgy areas to stay clear of?
I'm sure you'll be fine. You can always move if you need to! Leeds is good yeh :smile: Wont say anything about dodgy areas though, cos theyre everywhere but it depends what u call dodgy hehe.

if you're going to be living in Leodis though its sort of stuck in the middle of knowhere and about a 10 minute walk to uni so it'll be fine. No doubt you'll have friends in Headingley,which is nice. Hyde Park isnt nice, its full of weirdos - thats the housing area itself not the park.
Reply 17
Hey well i've started the course... a lot to take in. Do you recommend any books i should buy? theres sooo many? love sarah xx
Reply 18
Hi Sarah :smile:

I'm doing my third year in Aviation now but I took my last year out, so this is like my 4th year in Leeds :biggrin:

Anyway, as far as books go, no one ever really bought any at all. Some went the whole 3 years without ever buying a single book :eek:

The only ones people got were the PPL theory books. Most people got the full set. Have a look here:

These are well worth it, especially the Q & A book as the practise will help you with your theory tests :smile:

You'll probably be told more info about these in some of your lectures anyways.

Hope this helps! :smile:
Hey, hope you're enjoying the course so far.... any lectures you hate yet?

Only will be told in PREN1110 (theoretical knowledge ppl thing...) about the AFE series of books - theres 5 of them and you will get them a little cheaper.

We had a meeting about flying today in the Houldsworth. You people are now going to be training at Teesside, Cleveland flying school are providing the training, and the university have employed a company called Northern Aviation to run the scheme. I honestly think that you lot are going to get a better and more fair deal than we are, as LFS have messed things up a bit for us. Just out of interest, who is teaching you theoretical knowledge for PPL? It used to be Tony Denson, but I shaln't get started on him!

Not sure if you knew this already, but if not I probably shouldnt have told u, so it wasnt me lol.

Dont buy any books for other modules tho. The only exception is Engineering Mathematics by KA Stroud, which I recommend as you can use it for maths in 1st and 2nd year.

Let me know how its going anyway