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Access to Leeds 2023

Anyone applying to University of Leeds this year via Access To Leeds?

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Original post by Luxey1
Anyone applying to University of Leeds this year via Access To Leeds?

What is A21?
Reply 2
Original post by normaw
What is A21?

A2L - Access To Leeds
Original post by Luxey1
A2L - Access To Leeds

Okay - I've edited the title and moved it to the Leeds forum to help you get replies.
Reply 4
Original post by normaw
Okay - I've edited the title and moved it to the Leeds forum to help you get replies.

Much appreciated :smile:
No but im planning to next year
I applied through Access To Leeds for Psychology and just finished completing the Study Skills Module!
Reply 7
did you get a notification or an email confirming, because I did not and I completed it!

Original post by Anonymous
I applied through Access To Leeds for Psychology and just finished completing the Study Skills Module!
Original post by h.ber
did you get a notification or an email confirming, because I did not and I completed it!

I got an email confirming that I had completed it 2 days after I had finished it. What course are you doing it for?
Original post by Anonymous
I applied through Access To Leeds for Psychology and just finished completing the Study Skills Module!

Im trying to complete it now but keep getting the answers wrong! could you help?
Original post by Anonymous
Im trying to complete it now but keep getting the answers wrong! could you help?

What are you struggling with? Some of the sections took me a few attempts to get 5/5
Original post by Anonymous
What are you struggling with? Some of the sections took me a few attempts to get 5/5

The last section - academic integrity referencing I keep getting 4/5 and can’t figure out which one is wrong lol. It’s probably the one where u have to fill in the blanks
Original post by Anonymous
Im trying to complete it now but keep getting the answers wrong! could you help?

Ok I got 15/15 but now I can’t submit it. How do you actually submit this??
Original post by Anonymous
Ok I got 15/15 but now I can’t submit it. How do you actually submit this??

PLEASE tell me what the word is i know the first one is values but i cannot figure out the second one ive tried 20 times now its due mid day omg
does anyone know for the access to leeds multiple choice on academic integrity MCQ question is for the fill in the blanks questions, the first word is Values but ive tried soooo many times to get the second black word right, i tried it multiple times a week ago but because of exams ive neglected it but its literally due next day does anyone know?!
Original post by destienm05
PLEASE tell me what the word is i know the first one is values but i cannot figure out the second one ive tried 20 times now its due mid day omg

It’S referencing
Original post by Anonymous
Ok I got 15/15 but now I can’t submit it. How do you actually submit this??

I don't think you need to submit, I think it automatically gets processed as finished
Original post by destienm05
PLEASE tell me what the word is i know the first one is values but i cannot figure out the second one ive tried 20 times now its due mid day omg

im so glad im not the only one struggling with this
Reply 18
Original post by Anonymous
I got an email confirming that I had completed it 2 days after I had finished it. What course are you doing it for?

I got an email too around a week later. I’m doing it for economics. The whole AL2 thing is great but there is such little info on it. Like is it guaranteed to get you lower grades?
Original post by h.ber
I got an email too around a week later. I’m doing it for economics. The whole AL2 thing is great but there is such little info on it. Like is it guaranteed to get you lower grades?

Yeah, it should say on your UCAS offer what your A2L offer is. Mine said that my offer was ABB if I completed the A2L course

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