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case studies for ocr gcse geography b

the exam is on the 6th June and i dont know any of the case studies as i joined a new school in year 11 and all my gcses got messed up.

the exam is on natural hazards, rivers and coasts and economic development but i dont know how many case studies there are? can someone please list them for me.

i know that there is Apple in china, boscastle and mt etna but othere than that i know nothing else please help!
Reply 1
you will needRivers and Coasts:River Coastline Management River valley and it’s landforms Coastal Area Landforms Flooding in an LEDC Flooding in an MEDC (boscastle)Natural Hazards:Tectonic Hazards LEDC Tectonic Hazard in an MEDC (mt etna)Climatic Hazard in an LEDC Climatic Hazard in an MEDC Economic Development:Aid project in an LEDCEconomic Activity in an LEDCEconomic Activity in an MEDCAn MNC and impacts on local people/economy (apple in china)Economic Development with enviromental impactshere is a resource with examples if you don't have all of these -
Reply 2
Original post by amin11234
the exam is on the 6th June and i dont know any of the case studies as i joined a new school in year 11 and all my gcses got messed up.

the exam is on natural hazards, rivers and coasts and economic development but i dont know how many case studies there are? can someone please list them for me.

i know that there is Apple in china, boscastle and mt etna but othere than that i know nothing else please help!

you need to know 12 case studies
river flooding in medc and ledc
river valley and landforms
costal area and its landforms
costal management
aid project in ledc
factors affecting a location of a type of economic activity in a ledc and medc
MNC investment in an area (nike in Vietnam)
a development where conflict exists (China's pearl delta)
Tectonic Hazard in a ledc and medc
Climatic Hazard in a ledc and medc

remember for some you need to know for a ledc and medc
I do OCR B and these are he case studies that I do:

MEDC flooding: River Rhine.
LEDC flooding: River Ganges.
River valley and landforms: River Tees.
Coastal area and its landforms/management: Holderness coast.
LEDC project aid: Goat Aid in Tanzania or Water Aid in Mali.
Cambridge science park.
Ecuador banana industry.
LEDC techtonic hazard: Haiti Earthquake.
MEDC techtonic hazard: Ejafjallajökul volcano (Iceland)
MNC: BP oil spill- Gulf of Mexico.
MNC: Coca Cola- India.
LEDC climatic hazard: Typhoon Haiyan.
MEDC climatic hazard: Drought in Australia in the Murray-Darling river basin.

I hope this helps x
Here’s a few I do (not in order)
on paper 1

Costa Rica
Big dry
River Thames
Jurassic coast
Antártica treaty

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