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GCSE Geography Study Group 2023-2024

:hello: Welcome to the GCSE Geography Study Group! :hello:

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:

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I do aqa geography
I prefer learning physical geography but I don’t mind human geography as well
I really like the subject there’s just so much stuff to remember and endless case studies 😭
I normally use my textbook given by the school to revise but I also use cool geography
I do coasts and glaciers
(edited 1 year ago)
i do geography under AQA.
I prefer Physical Geography but i also don't mind Human Geography.
I find case-studies hard to remember, as i always get them mixed up.
Im predicted a 9 and got a 9 in my yr10 Mocks (I did paper 1&2).
I use the AQA Geography guide, as well as making notes from my school work (i take my book home), as well as this big paper with all the case studies on (which i just got yesterday). I also practice with past papers, to get an idea of the type of questions and how they are structured.
I also do Coasts instead of Glaciers.
(edited 1 year ago)
Hello, thanks for making this thread!

I'm doing edexcel B for geography which isn't very common.
I prefer learning human geography, as I find it more interesting, however I find that questions for physical geography are slightly easier than human geography questions.
There's so much content and obviously we have the case studies too!
I use quizlet, save my exams, time for geography and cgp revision guide for my revision!
I am really bad in geography will you guys help me please
Reply 5
Hey, so I've been looking at different geography websites and came across this guy: so far it seems really helpful...
Original post by Ezeokoyechisom
I am really bad in geography will you guys help me please
Original post by Ezeokoyechisom
I am really bad in geography will you guys help me please

Hi, something that really helps me is instead of making plain notes, I integrate my notes using past paper/practice questions, sometimes I add my own questions (in the style of how they would ask it in exams) and underneath put my answer in bullet points. When it comes to revision, I just need to look at the compilation of questions and test myself using those. I'd also recommend getting a revision guide that doesn't waffle, but instead goes according to the specification - like cgp or pearson.
Original post by Ezeokoyechisom
I am really bad in geography will you guys help me please

I got 9 in geography, and ive uploaded my paper 1 notes.
First off get your content nailed ie understand everythin in the first place. Next step is memorizing. Theres multiple methods including flashcards and blurting. I recommend blurting but everyones dif n yeah its that simple. Oh and do past qs as many as you can get your hands on
(edited 1 year ago)
:hello: Welcome to the GCSE Geography Study Group! :hello:

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:

Any tips on how to structure your answers when you write about a case study? 😭
Reply 9
Original post by hajra000
Any tips on how to structure your answers when you write about a case study? 😭

Which exam board dyu do? It ain’t that hard for aqa. As long as yk the content grade nine is pretty easy
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by 12ftg
Which exam board dyu do? It ain’t that hard for aqa. As long as yk the content grade nine is pretty easy

Reply 11
Original post by hajra000

yh i dont like ocr. done it for computer science gcse and it was harder than other boards
Original post by 12ftg
yh i dont like ocr. done it for computer science gcse and it was harder than other boards

agreed last year people found it so difficult even the ocr exam board admitted it
Reply 13
Original post by *LifeHappens*
agreed last year people found it so difficult even the ocr exam board admitted it

yhh. i was menna get a nine but i got an eight bcz of them paper two questions.
:hello: Welcome to the GCSE Geography Study Group! :hello:

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:

How can i revise unseen fieldwork I have a mock on it soon and I’ve wasted two hours of revision figuring out what to revise!!!!
Original post by samiabuvla
How can i revise unseen fieldwork I have a mock on it soon and I’ve wasted two hours of revision figuring out what to revise!!!!

Miss kelly on yt has good geo vids on that
Original post by hibyehereforasec
Miss kelly on yt has good geo vids on that

Thank you so much I’ll check it out😊😊😊
Yo, I do OCR B Geography.
If u can help I'll get u a GCSE AQA literature and langauge revision guide by either CGP or Mr Bruff.
can anyone help by giving like a structure for 8 and 6 markers in geography (OCR B)
:hello: Welcome to the GCSE Geography Study Group! :hello:

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams :grouphugs:

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough! :yes:

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?


Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this! :yeah:

I do AQA Geography.
I enjoy having to study about different landscapes and hazards and how countries manage these.
I am struggling with anything yet, a minor issue I had in the past was not being able to memorise specific landmarks and places,
but I've gotten better at that now. I don't know my predicted grades, it is going to be revealed after I do my mocks.

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