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Bath Business Administration vs Warwick Management

What would you say is the best? The Business Administration has 2 sixth month placements but Warwick has a better reputation?

Bear in mind that a job in Investment Banking is my ultimate aim.

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I'd say Warwick.

Do both institutions want the same grades? The only problem that might arise is that Warwick is a very popular choice, but if you have high GCSE's and AS results you should be fine.
Reply 2
Well I have an offer from Warwick of AAB.

I dont have an offer from Bath yet but it would be AAA.

These are the two I am seriously considering and, although I am not sure I will get an offer from Bath, I am not sure which to make my firm.
Reply 3

Yeah, it's in the middle of nowhere but i went there a few week ago to visit a friend - amazing! I loved it!

It's good such a brilliant reputation - worldwide too.
Reply 4
What would you say is the best? The Business Administration has 2 sixth month placements but Warwick has a better reputation?

Bear in mind that a job in Investment Banking is my ultimate aim.

warwick and cass in london
Reply 5
Hey im applying into both.. but i heard that its harder to get into bath business admin
Reply 6
The 2 six months placements at Bath look great, and both Bath and Warwick are both pretty quiet, I don't think you can make the decision based on the social life...

I've had my offer from Bath (3 A including A in Eng Lit) but I doubt I will get the A in Eng Lit - if I get an offer from Warwick too and get the grades I have no idea how I will decide... 2 fantastic courses...
Reply 7
For investment banking, Warwick by miles. Although LSE/UCL/ICL + Oxbridge are all bigger ports of call for the IB's.

*sobs that he got rejected by Bath AND Warwick*

Reply 8
I applied to both last year and got offers. I chose Warwick over Bath because the course seemed more academic and the university was overall ranked higher. I also didn't want to do a 4 year degree and sacrifice 2 summers for work experience. Bath tend to believe they are amazing for some reason and ask for high grades that in my opinion are pointless. I asked them about this and the people I asked didn't know what to say. Very unprofessional in my opinion. Warwick on the other hand are a lot more professional.
Reply 9
Yeah at Bath you get no summer holidays at all :p:
Reply 10
Hey im applying into both.. but i heard that its harder to get into bath business admin

dude you aren't allowed to do two A1 languages. lol.
Reply 11
depends whether you want to go for the work experience.
if yes then bath, if no then VISIT THE UNIS BEFORE MAKING ANY DECISION.
bath and warwick's business schools are great but warwick has a better reputation i suppose.
Reply 12
Had offers from both bath and warwick now - don't know how I'm gonna decide...
Reply 13
well done! :biggrin: visit the unis and look at the course details.
Reply 14
dude you aren't allowed to do two A1 languages. lol.

Oh well maybe im an exception :smile: lol
Reply 15
well done! :biggrin: visit the unis and look at the course details.

Thank you! The offer from Bath is AAA including A in English lit, so chances are I won't make the offer and that will decide it for me!
Reply 16
well if you prefer Bath's course then put it as firm and Warwick as insurance!
so at least you have sth to aim for and even you can't achieve 3A you still have warwick!
Reply 17
I have the same dilemma... I am still waiting for the reply from Warwick, however, I suppose I will get a conditional offer. Getting some working experience seems to be a great perspective, however, I would lose a year and I've heard that Warwick has better reputation.
warwick all the way!
Reply 19
I went to Warwick today and absolutely hated it to be honest. It was in the middle of bloody nowhere and Coventry is an absolute hole.

I think I will be reapplying.

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