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Reply 1
Do you know something? I honestly can't remember! :confused:
Reply 2
Do you know something? I honestly can't remember! :confused:

i can still remember! :tongue:

mine was in letter form.. on the friday i think (my parents woke me up, grr) & i'd got home on the tuesday i think, so was very quick.

anyway, it was a very thick A4, first class letter (i had a few friends who later got 2nd class ones who had been unsuccessful :frown: )

anyway, confused the hell out of me, i was sleepy..opened it in a bizaare way & was confronted by pages & pages of occupational health & vaccination info but couldn't find the covering letter, so my first thought was 'why send me all this with a rejection? oh..! :biggrin: ' as i found the offer

I had a friend who received a written rejection, then got a call a few days later from another, significantly better college, ahem.. offering him 1 of his joint school subjects.
Reply 3
Mine came on a Saturday i think- and it was a thickish envelope with the college stamp :wink:
Reply 4
I got mine by letter as well - Clare college, Cambridge, as you asked. But it was really thin - literally just two sheets, folded in thirds so it didn't give anything away. I was half asleep when I opened it (in bed) saw I'd got the offer and went a bit loopy! Only read the rest of it properly later.
Reply 5
Letter on new years eve....with the college stamp on.

Erm...i wouldn't call it thick...but it wasn't was 3 pages of a4 folded over into a 3rd of the normal size in the envelope. Padded i'd This is from caius cambridge btw.

Reply 6
I got mine by letter as well - Clare college, Cambridge, as you asked. But it was really thin - literally just two sheets, folded in thirds so it didn't give anything away. I was half asleep when I opened it (in bed) saw I'd got the offer and went a bit loopy! Only read the rest of it properly later. chance of me being half asleep....the postie didn't come to my house till 11:30!!!!! :mad:

Reply 7
Mine was a small envelope, brown and I think it was first class. It was also thin, I'd have been really certain that I hadn't got in when I got the letter around New Year's but I'd already recieved a phonecall from Dr Reinhart, who I think'll be my main tutor this year just before Christmas Day. I thought it was really nice that she called and I probably spoke gobbeldy-gook to her as well :tongue: .

EDIT : Sorry I forgot to say that it was for Keble at Oxford.
Reply 8
same day as geoff, it was one sheet of paper, but it had the college stamp on the envelope so i knew it was the decision letter.
Reply 9
Letter, from Hertford, on the Saturday after interviews finished. Two bits of paper, one saying I had the offer and the other talking about health, and a little booklet about finance.
Letter from LMH saying I had an Open Offer. Received on 23 Dec.
I wasn't in the country when I got my offer back; it got sent to school. When I got back I saw the letter was quite think, so I knew it was an offer; that took the excitement away a bit.
Got mine on new years eve, brown letter, about half A4 size I think (from st johns cam). It was pretty thick so I knew I was in or pooled, can't remember what was in it apart from the letter saying what grades I needed. Did some people get phoned up to tell them if they got in or not then??
Reply 13
oxford phoned people (some of the colleges that is). I havent heard of cambridge calling people up after the first round of interviews.
Got a letter saying I was pooled on new years eve and my brother got one the same day daying that he got in so I was a bit depressed at the time knowing that only 1/5 pooled applicants get in. Then I got two interviews from the pool (at Robinson and Girton) but they forgot to tell me until I got a phone call saying "are you on your way to Cambridge this eveing?". I asked them why I would go to Cambridge and they explained that someone should have phoned me a week earlier telling me I had interviews the next day. I told them I coulddn't make it cos I had a maths exams (this was like 12th of January or something like that) so they re-arranged the interviews for the next week. After the pooling process I realised that I diddn't know when they were gonna tell me the result so I phoned them up to find out when they'd teell me and they told me I got in. It was a bloody stressful experience (almost as scary as A level results)

Reply 15
Got a letter saying I was pooled on new years eve and my brother got one the same day daying that he got in so I was a bit depressed at the time knowing that only 1/5 pooled applicants get in. Then I got two interviews from the pool (at Robinson and Girton) but they forgot to tell me until I got a phone call saying "are you on your way to Cambridge this eveing?". I asked them why I would go to Cambridge and they explained that someone should have phoned me a week earlier telling me I had interviews the next day. I told them I coulddn't make it cos I had a maths exams (this was like 12th of January or something like that) so they re-arranged the interviews for the next week. After the pooling process I realised that I diddn't know when they were gonna tell me the result so I phoned them up to find out when they'd teell me and they told me I got in. It was a bloody stressful experience (almost as scary as A level results)


That's EVIL.
Reply 16
I was in california and it was 3am and I phoned home because I was on UKL and everybody had had their decisions, I thought my dad was lying when he said the post hadn't come even though it was like 11am. But I kept calling back every 20 mins then he told me I had an offer. Was cool. Just went mental, ran around the house trying not to wake people up, scrawled "I GOT IN TO CAMBRIDGE" over the back of this sheet and left it on the floor. Then I went up and fell asleep.
Reply 17
I originally applied to New but was also sent for 2 interviews @ St Hilda's.

I remember getting home from being in London on hols and it was about 22/23 dec and I saw there was lots of post for me...A big white A4 envelope that had the stamp "ST HILDAS" on the front. I remember getting very annoyed and shouting "IM NOT GOING!!!" before I'd even opend it. It was only after about 10mins after I'd read letter carefully tht I realised I wouldn't necessarily be going there as I'd received an Open Offer. The letter started with "I am pleased to inform you that althouhg none of the colleges at which you were interviewed have been able to make you an offer, we can confirm that you have received an Open Offer....". A few days later New college sent me a letter apologising that thye couldn't take me but that they understood another college would and if I did not receive an offer to contact them.

In the end I'm going to Lincoln (although nearly ended up at St Hilda's due to a mistake! but that's another story).

Generally, if you get a thick envelope it's a good sign - but this isn't always the case!!!
Reply 18
Got mine on new years eve, brown letter, about half A4 size I think (from st johns cam). It was pretty thick so I knew I was in or pooled, can't remember what was in it apart from the letter saying what grades I needed. Did some people get phoned up to tell them if they got in or not then??

I did (Keble - Oxford) we were told before we left after the interviews, by the very nice Dr Reinhart that they'd try their best to get all the decisions out before Christmas, so it wouldn't hang over us till New Year, however we were there only a couple(-ish) of days before so when she phoned up she apologised for not getting the letters out on time and told me in person. And it wasn't a quick, you're in, either, she chatted for a few minutes and then said she had to go because there were others she needed to phone as well :smile: .
Reply 19
Letter on new years eve....with the college stamp on.

Erm...i wouldn't call it thick...but it wasn't was 3 pages of a4 folded over into a 3rd of the normal size in the envelope. Padded i'd This is from caius cambridge btw.


Ditto, but from King's.

My mother went and opened it though :mad: and brought the house down (we had guests too:s-smilie:).