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Reply 20
I got an A5 envelope on christmas eve (not a bad christmas present!) - I'd been out all day and my mum and sister were very close to steaming it open!! As it was a fairly big envelope it kind of got my hopes up but I was still really nervous opening it!
Reply 21
I also got an A5 envelope on Christmas eve! It was fairly fat (a few folded pages of A4 and a couple of booklets) and had the college crest on (LMH, Oxford) so I knew it was a decision, and took the fatness as a good sign- which as it turns out it was! A very nice early Christmas present, though it also piled on the pressure that I now actually had to pass my exams (and get straight As!) when before all my other offers had been unconditional!
Reply 22
mine arrived on january 2nd my dad's birthday. i didn't see the letter come through the came up to me at about lunchtime and handed me the (opened) envelope. he said he couldn't contain himself and he didn't want me being depressed on his birthday. if i hadn't got in he would have given me the envelope the following day
Reply 23
Ok chaps, my question is the this:

How did you receive your offer, i.e. phone/fax/letter, and from which college and uni.?

Also, if it was in letter form, was the letter 'obviously' an acceptance, i.e. thick etc. etc., or neutral blah blah?



Carrier pigeon fom LSE. It was obviously an acceptance gift so we ate the pigeon. Wouldn't have been polite not to.
Is it true, 'U Teedy U', that Cambridge send acceptances in gold envelopes, but Oxford's are silver? I heard that and I'm really worried about it.
Are some colleges better posters of acceptances than others? I heard Trinity were the best. Help!
Reply 24
The acceptance letters are in Gold for cambridge, or white for rejection. For oxford they send out White for acceptance, and Silver for rejection.

Hope that cleared everything up :tongue:
lol. spot on dude.

i got woken up at 9am by my dad who handed me the letter so with one eye strained open i read "we are pleased", so i gave it to him and said id got in and went back to sleep while we went off excited. ahhh "the memories you gave me, the memories you gave me..."
Reply 26
I received mine by post on the 17th December. I think. I'm not entirely sure, I can't quite remember. Anyway, it was a saturday and I was, of course, sleeping in.

I was woken by my mum coming into my room and throwing the letter on my lap, equally interested and anxious about its contents. I was a tad concerned, as it was a rather thin envelope with my address printed on a sticky label on its front. It didn't matter, though, as it had those wonderous words "We are pleased to inform you your application has been successful". Weeee :biggrin:

I got all the other pieces of information a few days later in a big thick brown envelope.
Reply 27
mine arrived on january 2nd my dad's birthday. i didn't see the letter come through the came up to me at about lunchtime and handed me the (opened) envelope. he said he couldn't contain himself and he didn't want me being depressed on his birthday. if i hadn't got in he would have given me the envelope the following day

Aaaaawwww...that's a really nice thing for your dad to do!!

Although..i don't think i could've waited another day!!!!!

Reply 28
Aaaaawwww...that's a really nice thing for your dad to do!!

Although..i don't think i could've waited another day!!!!!


well i didn't even know it had arrived till he gave me the envelope!
Reply 29
well i didn't even know it had arrived till he gave me the envelope!

If he'd shown it to you the next day..would he have told you it arrived the day before??

Reply 30
I got a letter from Somerville College on the 23rd I think.. it was thick and A4 but I didn't get my hopes up until I saw the letter, in case the thickness was because they'd enclosed a report :smile:
Reply 31
Mine came on Christmas eve, in an A4 brown envelope, so I was pretty hopeful when I saw it.... but you still get the thoughts going through your head....
It was quite thick, and as it was A4, it seemed to be a good sign.
Would have been cruel if they sent out thick A4s as rejections tho :rolleyes:

This was for University College Oxford BTW
Reply 32
If he'd shown it to you the next day..would he have told you it arrived the day before??


probably, cos i'm usually up quite early to check the post. i was busy that mornign wrapping his present :rolleyes:
Reply 33
probably, cos i'm usually up quite early to check the post. i was busy that mornign wrapping his present :rolleyes:

Ah...he picked his moment well then! Still...all ended well..i expect his bday was even more special than normal!!! :smile:

Reply 34
i remember clearly, got back from my interviews on tuesday, obviously skiived college for the rest of the week to "recouperate from the draining mental experience that was the oxford interviews". Was playing poker with the lads on the friday night, was up quite abit... so pretty happy with myself. my mum comes into the conservatory and says that i have a phone call, she seemed slightly excited... i just guessed that something good was on tv. picked up the phone and said hello, what do i hear on the other end? "good evening, this is professor todd from St John's college". "yes, and how can i help you?" i enquire. "i'm pleased to inform you that you have gained a conditional offer to read mathematics at St. John's College." he replied. So i asked "whats the offer?". "3 A's".

I went on to thank him and told him i would see him next october. Needless to say, i went back into the conservatory, threw all my money away and then went out.

I was due to go on holiday the day the letters arrived (19TH Dec.). I e-mailed the college and told them and asked if they could e-mail me. I therefore found out be e-mail on the morning of the 19TH on the public access computers, terminal 2 departures (before security), Heathrow airport.
The letter was waiting when I got back (large brown A4 enveloped with college stamp).
Reply 36
My letter arrived on the 30th of December; as usual I got woken up by my mother asking me to open it immediately, so I did.

It was a thicker than usual letter and having experience from American express thin rejection letters It was a good omen to see it was larger than usual. My first though was of that when Charlie from the movie Willy Wonkas chocolate factory opens his chocolate bar to find the golden ticket and indeed I found it too; I though to my self I am going to Cadbury’s university…… ok, I mean Cambridge.
Reply 37
I got a phone call from Oxford 2 days after I got back from the interview.
Reply 38
My letter from Sidney Sussex came sometime at the beginning of January. I'd stayed the night at a friend's house and my mum rang in the morning to say that it had arrived so I rushed straight home, but then it took me about 2 hours to open it. Mine was very thin - just two pieces of A4 paper in a white envelope.
I got a phone call from Oxford (Hertford college) 3 days after I got back from my interviews - but I was out so my dad phoned my mobile while I was in the middle of a restaurant, it was so unexpected but of course I was over the moon!!! The letter arrived on Christmas Eve, was thick-ish.