The Student Room Group

Sky graduate scheme 2023

Hi all,
Just finished the first digital assessment for Sky.
I applied for the strategy division.
Has anyone else applied/got through to the second assessment?

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How was it? Looking to apply myself when I get the chance later this week!
Original post by taylor1999
How was it? Looking to apply myself when I get the chance later this week!

Pretty standard stuff really, untimed job simulation with numerical tests and SJTs. Think about the role and operations of your department, and have paper and a calculator handy.
Update - Just got an invite to the second assessment!
Reply 4
Original post by Jpritchett32
Update - Just got an invite to the second assessment!

Congrats! Did you have to record your answers at any point in the first assessment?
Original post by a_man101
Congrats! Did you have to record your answers at any point in the first assessment?

Nope, just SJT and numerical questions. The second assessment has video questions according to the email.
I believe the second assessment would be the work scenario questions? The video one. Is there a place to practice this? how do you practice work place scenario interview questions?

Just so i'm sure, after you apply, you do a test thats just numerical and sjt (depending on the team you applied to unless the test are the same). Then the video interview (like job simulation). Any verbal reasoning or deductive reasoning? Thanks
(edited 2 years ago)
Software Engineering here, just completed the third assessment(Digital 2), hopefully, I pass this one. Any idea how many stages there are?
Original post by Jaycee_88
I believe the second assessment would be the work scenario questions? The video one. Is there a place to practice this? how do you practice work place scenario interview questions?

Just so i'm sure, after you apply, you do a test thats just numerical and sjt (depending on the team you applied to unless the test are the same). Then the video interview (like job simulation). Any verbal reasoning or deductive reasoning? Thanks

If anyone knows any resources, I would also appreciate this! Haven't had much chance to prepare this year for video Qs. Just got through to the next assessment today! :smile:
Original post by hulahoopslad
If anyone knows any resources, I would also appreciate this! Haven't had much chance to prepare this year for video Qs. Just got through to the next assessment today! :smile:

Hi, what did the assessment you just completed consist of? and for which role did you apply to?
Has anyone got a response following the digital assessment two (video interview)? Or does anyone know how long they'll take to respond?
Original post by kelchi987
Has anyone got a response following the digital assessment two (video interview)? Or does anyone know how long they'll take to respond?

From what I’ve read on other forums it could take up to a week or even a few days depending how busy they are. How did you find the video assessment? Did it require any real preparation or is it mostly using the information they give?
Reply 12
Original post by kelchi987
Has anyone got a response following the digital assessment two (video interview)? Or does anyone know how long they'll take to respond?

Submitted mine 9 days ago but I haven't heard back yet
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 13
Original post by a_man101
From what I’ve read on other forums it could take up to a week or even a few days depending how busy they are. How did you find the video assessment? Did it require any real preparation or is it mostly using the information they give?

All of it is based on the info/videos they give
Reply 14
How long does it take after applying to get invited for the 1st assessment?
Reply 15
Original post by rexop2
How long does it take after applying to get invited for the 1st assessment?

Got the invite the next morning
Original post by skiibz
All of it is based on the info/videos they give

Thanks, is it like a scenario thing, and you have to respond to the scenario?
Just completed, it’s scenario based yes. Would give an example of a problem or project at sky and ask how you’d respond to certain situations. Not really any way you can prepare tbh, just try to be confident with your answers really :smile:
Are these answers timed? And how long is the assessment overall?
Original post by hulahoopslad
Just completed, it’s scenario based yes. Would give an example of a problem or project at sky and ask how you’d respond to certain situations. Not really any way you can prepare tbh, just try to be confident with your answers really :smile:

Thanks, I hope to apply this weekend and work on it.

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