The Student Room Group

The Pupillage Interview/Acceptance/Rejection Thread 2023 Watch

As the Gateway has opened, why not open this year's thread?

Good luck everyone!
(edited 2 years ago)

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Well the Pupillage gateway website has opened for viewing. this is so user unfriendly that it is ridiculous, no way it seems to bespoke a search for say on gateway and off-gateway, how many pupillages offered or by specialities.

The old website might have been somewhat mundane but Christ, the old saying the devil you know springs to mind.......
Reply 2
First of all, good luck to everyone!

Does anyone have the faintest idea where we should put all our mooting/etc experience on the gateway?
Original post by LibbyZ18
First of all, good luck to everyone!

Does anyone have the faintest idea where we should put all our mooting/etc experience on the gateway?

Some put it in their work experience history. Some put it in the scholarships/prizes section. Some do neither and mention it for the first time in answer to one or more of the questions at the end. It's up to you to judge what works best for you, but in principle any of those is fine. If it helps, I can't say I've ever read an application and thought "well, they mentioned their mooting in the wrong place". It's not something to worry about.
Reply 4
Original post by Crazy Jamie
Some put it in their work experience history. Some put it in the scholarships/prizes section. Some do neither and mention it for the first time in answer to one or more of the questions at the end. It's up to you to judge what works best for you, but in principle any of those is fine. If it helps, I can't say I've ever read an application and thought "well, they mentioned their mooting in the wrong place". It's not something to worry about.

Thanks for that. On the old gateway it seemed like there was a dedicated place for this, but now it's just one big clump of work experience. I haven't seen anything for scholarships/etc either
Reply 5
When you check the new applicant user guide, I believe the example application form they have in that shows that when apps go live, there will be a dedicated space for this.

Here is the doc:

See pages 33-34 for what I am referring to.
Anyone else confused as to why we are not permitted to upload a CV to the system despite the fact it has an option to?
Reply 7
Does anyone know what to put for A-levels/etc on application forms if one didn't go to secondary school in the UK?
Reply 8
Original post by ezlaw
When you check the new applicant user guide, I believe the example application form they have in that shows that when apps go live, there will be a dedicated space for this.

Here is the doc:

See pages 33-34 for what I am referring to.

Do you know whether the 'standardised Bar Council questionaire' is the form at Annex 1? The user guide says in relation to the questionaire that "the details of [it] are contained within the Sample Application Form contained under Annex 2 of this User Guide" (pg 15). The Sample Application Form is at Annex 1 and there is no Annex 2 -Is it the questions contained within the sample form that make up the standardised questionaire?
Reply 9
Original post by Lawguy19
Do you know whether the 'standardised Bar Council questionaire' is the form at Annex 1? The user guide says in relation to the questionaire that "the details of [it] are contained within the Sample Application Form contained under Annex 2 of this User Guide" (pg 15). The Sample Application Form is at Annex 1 and there is no Annex 2 -Is it the questions contained within the sample form that make up the standardised questionaire?

I imagine so. My impression was that the bits that relate directly to what we can fill in now will be filled in automatically (e.g., education, work experience etc). You won't be able to change these from app to app and updating them will affect completed apps. I am yet to understand if sections like 'scholarships' (which we can't currently update) will work in a similar way or if they'll require being filled in each time...

This is all just my assumption so far... It might work differently. The good news is we'll know in just over a week!
Is anyone going to include individual mark breakdown in their application?
Does anyone know if pupillage gateway sends emails out to email addresses for interviews or rejections or you have to keep checking the gateway website for notifications on interviews and rejections?
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by andrewlloydw
Is anyone going to include individual mark breakdown in their application?

I haven't looked at the new form, but if it helps I don't generally expect to see mark breakdowns on a pupillage application. The only time I would include it is if there's a specific reason to refer to a specific mark, or if the application form specifically asks for it.
Original post by MJlover
Does anyone know if pupillage gateway sends emails out to email addresses for interviews or rejections or you have to keep checking the gateway website for notifications on interviews and rejections?

You'll get an email.
Do you guys mention the name of the barristers you shadowed in your mini pupillage when you are applying for pupillage to that same Chambers?
Original post by Alessandra97
Do you guys mention the name of the barristers you shadowed in your mini pupillage when you are applying for pupillage to that same Chambers?

Many people do, yes. It's not worth it just for the sake of name dropping so context is important, but for me as someone reading the application it at least shows that you've been paying attention on the mini pupillage. Broadly I think it's a good thing, and can help to answer that notoriously difficult question of why you're applying to the particular chambers.
Does anyone know if our referees will be asked to submit a reference once the gateway closes? The reference section does seem confusing this year as before you click 'Apply for this Pupillage' the gateway seems to imply that uploading an actual reference is required.
Original post by thatsthejoke
Does anyone know if our referees will be asked to submit a reference once the gateway closes? The reference section does seem confusing this year as before you click 'Apply for this Pupillage' the gateway seems to imply that uploading an actual reference is required.

In my experience, it really depends on the chambers if they contact the referee or not. I think KBW did ask for a reference immediately upon the gateway closing.
Is anyone else having problems with their 'watchlist' - saying it is there but only being able to view a few of the Chambers on it - I have tried in different browsers
Original post by CapedCrusader1
Is anyone else having problems with their 'watchlist' - saying it is there but only being able to view a few of the Chambers on it - I have tried in different browsers

Yes, I have been having this issue since the gateway opened. I have twenty Chambers on my watchlist but can only view three of them now.....

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