The Student Room Group

Inns of court scholarship (Bar course)

Hi, I applied to lincolns inn for the scholarship and just wondering if anyone has heard back from them and gotten an email stating you’ve been invited to the interview session?

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Reply 1
Hey, I applied to Lincoln’s as well, haven’t heard back.
Reply 2
Original post by eemuji
Hey, I applied to Lincoln’s as well, haven’t heard back.

Heyy thanks so much for replying, hopefully you’ll hear back soon! Glad to know we’re in this together
Hoping that the email they sent out re: interview locations was right and they let us know by the end of the week!!
Reply 4
Original post by CJStevens
Hoping that the email they sent out re: interview locations was right and they let us know by the end of the week!!

This week? Oh my I’m getting more and more nervous every morning, hopefully we’ll all get shortlisted!
Original post by undefined
This week? Oh my I’m getting more and more nervous every morning, hopefully we’ll all get shortlisted!

Yeah the email said that, subject to committee availability, the intention was to have the outcomes regarding interviews with us by the end of this week!

Fingers-crossed for us all!

What area of law are you looking at going into?
Reply 6
Original post by CJStevens
Yeah the email said that, subject to committee availability, the intention was to have the outcomes regarding interviews with us by the end of this week!

Fingers-crossed for us all!

What area of law are you looking at going into?

I see, thank you for this. Getting some sort of timeline does offer a bit of reassurance as opposed to radio silence.

I’m got an interest in family law but did a recent internship in employment law and that managed to catch my eye as well.

How about you?
Original post by Lalaland02
I see, thank you for this. Getting some sort of timeline does offer a bit of reassurance as opposed to radio silence.

I’m got an interest in family law but did a recent internship in employment law and that managed to catch my eye as well.

How about you?

That's super interesting! What stage are you at?

I'm set on Criminal :smile:
Reply 8
Just got the email, unfortunately I wasn’t shortlisted. A bit upset but hoping to look for funding elsewhere, how did you do? Hopefully you got shortlisted for an interview!!
Original post by Lalaland02
Just got the email, unfortunately I wasn’t shortlisted. A bit upset but hoping to look for funding elsewhere, how did you do? Hopefully you got shortlisted for an interview!!

I'm sorry to hear that! Have you looked into the route of doing a combined masters?

I haven't heard back just yet so am super nervous. Was your email personalised or generic?
Yep i’m definitely doing masters with my bar course. I see, that’s a good sign then, the email was generic so I think they’re sending out rejections first. Goodluck, you’ve got this!
I've just heard back from Lincoln's Inn and have an interview for the scholarship for BPC on the 24.02.2024. If anyone has any idea how to prep for this please share!
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 12
Original post by lawstudent290
I've just heard back from Lincoln's Inn and have an interview for the scholarship for BPC on the 24.02.2024. If anyone has any idea how to prep for this please share!
How are you getting on with prep? My interview is on 4th March, I feel extremely stressed 😂 I’ve got my presentation done but I need to improve it. Running a mock presentation at university next week!
Reply 13
Original post by Sg3124
How are you getting on with prep? My interview is on 4th March, I feel extremely stressed 😂 I’ve got my presentation done but I need to improve it. Running a mock presentation at university next week!
Mines tomorrow - I’m ******** it!!
Reply 14
Original post by CJStevens
Mines tomorrow - I’m ******** it!!
So it is, I thought you said March!! Omggggg, good luck! You will be fine, my plan is just to remember that it’s just talking and we all know how to talk 🤣 hope they don’t ask any difficult questions. Let me know how it goes!
Reply 15
Original post by Sg3124
So it is, I thought you said March!! Omggggg, good luck! You will be fine, my plan is just to remember that it’s just talking and we all know how to talk 🤣 hope they don’t ask any difficult questions. Let me know how it goes!
hah that's very true. I will!

I've seen you on the pupillage threads as well - what sort of sets are you applying for??
Reply 16
Original post by CJStevens
hah that's very true. I will!

I've seen you on the pupillage threads as well - what sort of sets are you applying for??
I’ve applied for mostly criminal and some family. Was a difficult decision in the end! I’m from the north east so not much to choose from in terms of staying fairly local. I have applied for a few in London but not many.

What about you?
Reply 17
Original post by Sg3124
I’ve applied for mostly criminal and some family. Was a difficult decision in the end! I’m from the north east so not much to choose from in terms of staying fairly local. I have applied for a few in London but not many.

What about you?
All crim with the majority in the North West (where I'm from), but again, a couple in London where I have had minis
Reply 18
Original post by CJStevens
All crim with the majority in the North West (where I'm from), but again, a couple in London where I have had minis
How did your scholarship interview go?
Reply 19
Yeah it went as well as it could have done, I think. Definitely intimidating but certainly not as difficult as you may make it out to be :smile:

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