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Recommend a dog breed

My family’s thinking of getting a god and don’t know what dog breed we should get. Any suggestions?

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Reply 1
Original post by LKMS2007
My family’s thinking of getting a god and don’t know what dog breed we should get. Any suggestions?

Original post by LKMS2007
My family’s thinking of getting a god and don’t know what dog breed we should get. Any suggestions?

I think a Jack Russell would make for a good false idol.
Reply 3
To help you it would be useful to know what your family is like (active, sedentary, busy, relaxed, away often during the day or not, how many people would look after the dog etc) and what they would like from a dog (e.g. very active dog always up for a walk/play, relaxed companion dog, guarding type, friend of all type, good with children / other animals, etc). Once you know these things you can take a look at the Kennel Club’s website to look at the breed descriptions and see what would be a good match. Also think about whether they want a puppy (lot of hard work but you are able to raise and somewhat ‘shape’ your dog) or an adult dog (easier in some ways but comes with its own baggage from the past potentially). Once you have an idea what types of breed you can either look for a breeder or go to a shelter and tell them what you’re looking for, as that way they’d be able to find a great match! :smile:
Reply 4
Original post by EekPee
To help you it would be useful to know what your family is like (active, sedentary, busy, relaxed, away often during the day or not, how many people would look after the dog etc) and what they would like from a dog (e.g. very active dog always up for a walk/play, relaxed companion dog, guarding type, friend of all type, good with children / other animals, etc). Once you know these things you can take a look at the Kennel Club’s website to look at the breed descriptions and see what would be a good match. Also think about whether they want a puppy (lot of hard work but you are able to raise and somewhat ‘shape’ your dog) or an adult dog (easier in some ways but comes with its own baggage from the past potentially). Once you have an idea what types of breed you can either look for a breeder or go to a shelter and tell them what you’re looking for, as that way they’d be able to find a great match! :smile:

Thanks x
Reply 5
Original post by BoomBoxBeitch
I think a Jack Russell would make for a good false idol.

Thank you x
Thread moved to animals and pets
Original post by LKMS2007
My family’s thinking of getting a god and don’t know what dog breed we should get. Any suggestions?

Golden Redriever or a Welsh Terrier. Golden Redriever is a popular and cute breed, Welsh Terrier a known British one.
(edited 1 year ago)
I highly recommend a golden retriever. They are gentle and you will really love to cuddle them.
Reply 9
Golden retrievers are my breed if your family is happy with lots of mud everywhere and fur tumbleweed then great get a golden retriever.

I love goldens so I'm biased and they are wonderful dogs , intelligent, easy to train, affectionate, loyal , playful ect but they are the hippos of the dog world they love mud they love rolling in it and bringing it home with them. I wash mine off in the back garden before he's allowed in but again it's a lot of work and my clothes are covered once he's shaken most off.

They also love water being a retriever they adore puddles , lakes , rivers ect.

They also love to hold things in there mouths since again they are a retriever it's there job so they have a strong desire to carry things and sometimes that might not be something you want them to carry.

It would be best saying what you and your family want from a dog to know what breed suites as getting the breed right is as important as finding a good breeder.

Who your breeder is , is very important for many reasons
cockapoo, labs and goldies
Original post by alevelstudent090
cockapoo, labs and goldies

Lovely breeds. They are trustfully to the people who cross their way, always approached when I walked through parks.
Greyhound. They sleep most of the day, are low energy and a healthy breed :h:
A bit of information about your family and living arrangements would help us to make more informed recommendations
A good quality, grain-free dog food has all the nutrients they need, always choose grain-free as dogs cannot process grain properly, also a high meat content is good too (although dogs can be fed a vegan/veggie diet if required)
Original post by LKMS2007
My family’s thinking of getting a god and don’t know what dog breed we should get. Any suggestions?

There’s so many factors if your family is out of the house a lot I recommend a whippet or Italian greyhound because they are serious couch potatoes but when you take them out they are very energetic and playful. But if someone is in your home a lot for the majority of the day I recommend a golden retriever well known for how good theta re with families or if you want something different a rough collie like lassie might suit you ( if your house is smaller or a flat don’t get the collie )
Reply 16
How about a Ridgeback/Pitbull mix??
Original post by TDK21
How about a Ridgeback/Pitbull mix??

A mix breed in general. These dogs have the longest life span as a rule. And aren't so expensive.
Reply 18
Original post by Kallisto
A mix breed in general. These dogs have the longest life span as a rule. And aren't so expensive.

And are friendly if trained properly.
Original post by LKMS2007
My family’s thinking of getting a god and don’t know what dog breed we should get. Any suggestions?

Cocker spaniels, they are great family dogs however they do shed quite a bit

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