Hi all,
Unfortunately we've made the decision to withdraw the app from the app store, this means it's not available to download for any new users of it but for anyone that has it on their phones currently it should still work.
We unfortunately didn't have the internal resource to continue working on the app and our browser experience as they both use different technologies and therefore would require completely different teams of people working on them. We were not happy with the quality the app was providing to our users, it was often glitchy and as we continue to work on our browser experience it was getting further and further away from an app that we were happy to still provide towards our users. We therefore decided we did not want new users having access to this and it being how they experienced the site and decided to remove it from the app store.
We will continue to allow users who already have this app downloaded to use it if they wish while we work towards what we would like to do in the future. We recongnise that a functioning working app is something that our users would benefit from and are currently investigating possibilities to make this a reality, although I have nothing to concrete to share with you for the time being.
Sorry for the inconvinence.