The Student Room Group

Liverpool vs Nottingham??? I can't decide!

Hi all,

I'm in the fortunate position of having offers from Liverpool and Nottingham for their foundation/prelim Vet Med degrees.

I'm now trying to decide between the two. My personal circs mean Liverpool is the more sensible option (I already live and work there) and I have heard good things about it, at the same time so many people have raved to me about Notts, I don't know whether Notts might not be the better choice even with all the extra stress moving there would entail - obviously it's a very individual decision but I would love to hear from students who are already at either Liverpool or Nottingham about
a) how are you finding the course? what are the pros and cons?
b) any tips or advice for someone starting?

Any info is greatly appeciated, thanks so much!
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
Hi there, just wondering which uni you went for in the end and why? I'm in the exact same position as you so I'm quite unsure haha
Reply 2
First of all congratulations on getting multiple offers! 😊
I chose Liverpool because of my own particular circumstances (living here already and having a job I could continue with in training).
Honestly if I had had a completely free choice I would likely have chosen Nottingham though of course I don’t know what the outcome of that would’ve been. Plus having said all that my experience of Liverpool so far has been positive.

Best of luck with your training and congratulations again.
Reply 3
Original post by sivikasi
Hi all,
I'm in the fortunate position of having offers from Liverpool and Nottingham for their foundation/prelim Vet Med degrees.
I'm now trying to decide between the two. My personal circs mean Liverpool is the more sensible option (I already live and work there) and I have heard good things about it, at the same time so many people have raved to me about Notts, I don't know whether Notts might not be the better choice even with all the extra stress moving there would entail - obviously it's a very individual decision but I would love to hear from students who are already at either Liverpool or Nottingham about
a) how are you finding the course? what are the pros and cons?
b) any tips or advice for someone starting?
Any info is greatly appeciated, thanks so much!
Congrats, Hi, when do u start vet course?
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 4
Original post by Sb9000
Congrats, Hi, when do u start vet course?

Thanks. I started the foundation year in September and coming to the end of it now. If all goes well with the exams in May I'll start first year "proper" this coming September.
Reply 5
Original post by sivikasi
Thanks. I started the foundation year in September and coming to the end of it now. If all goes well with the exams in May I'll start first year
Reply 6
Original post by sivikasi
Thanks. I started the foundation year in September and coming to the end of it now. If all goes well with the exams in May I'll start first year

Good luck, any idea when offers from Nottingham foundation course are received as still waiting.
Reply 7
Original post by Sb9000

Good luck, any idea when offers from Nottingham foundation course are received as still waiting.

I had my interview mid-December 2022 and got the decision in mid-January 2023 but the schedule might be different this year.

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