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Is it worth me swapping to A-Level Biology?

Is it worth taking A-Level Biology?

My current choices are History, English Lit and Psychology and I was wondering if there was any point in swapping Psychology to Biology? I thought adding Biology might show a wider skill range for later on but I'm not sure if I could even do anything with it afterwards as I'm not pairing it with any other Science's or Maths so I could just stick to Pyschology?
Original post by notayyub
Is it worth taking A-Level Biology?

My current choices are History, English Lit and Psychology and I was wondering if there was any point in swapping Psychology to Biology? I thought adding Biology might show a wider skill range for later on but I'm not sure if I could even do anything with it afterwards as I'm not pairing it with any other Science's or Maths so I could just stick to Pyschology?

The answer to this question entirely depends on what you plan to do with those qualifications. Will you use them to apply to university? If so, to study what? Or will you attempt to directly enter the world of work, or perhaps apply for an apprenticeship?

Once you know what you want to do with your A level qualifications, you can check whether Psychology or Biology would be more appropriate - given the requirements of that degree, job, or apprenticeship.

If you have no idea what you want to do after A levels, then I'd suggest opting for the subject in which you might reasonably expect to get the better grade.
Original post by notayyub
Is it worth taking A-Level Biology?

My current choices are History, English Lit and Psychology and I was wondering if there was any point in swapping Psychology to Biology? I thought adding Biology might show a wider skill range for later on but I'm not sure if I could even do anything with it afterwards as I'm not pairing it with any other Science's or Maths so I could just stick to Pyschology?

From personal experience (taking Psychology, History and Biology) I would say that History is very content heavy and so is Biology. From my friends I have heard how difficult English Lit is, and you will likely have coursework for both History and English Lit. Psychology was my so called “easier” a level, and I think it would be a good choice to take it with history and English lit, as you may not have to put so much effort in as you would with biology, which imo is much harder.

I know quite a few who have taken psychology, history and English lit as a combination. Biology in my opinion is MUCH harder than Psychology, and so if you are looking for an a level which is slightly easier, Psychology is your best bet over Biology, which to be honest was a nightmare at times.

Also, Psychology is counted by many unis AS A SCIENCE, because of the modern scientific basis of it, which includes research methods, and some basic maths, so it would in fact show a wide range of skill. 👍
I do both biology and psychology for a-levels and believe me psychology is a LOT easier than biology. It also classes a science so you don't need to take biology if this is the only reason for why you want to do it.
If you plan to go to university look at the entry requirements to see what subjects might be needed
It's also worth noting that your college will have a certain time period at the start of year 12 during which you can swap subjects
Reply 4
Original post by notayyub
Is it worth taking A-Level Biology?
My current choices are History, English Lit and Psychology and I was wondering if there was any point in swapping Psychology to Biology? I thought adding Biology might show a wider skill range for later on but I'm not sure if I could even do anything with it afterwards as I'm not pairing it with any other Science's or Maths so I could just stick to Pyschology?

Biology is hard at A Level and if you have no specific need for it dont do it. Have you checked what career options your selected subjects will give you after college? You need a direction to aim for and preferable something you will be happy to do.

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