Hey, I have received my recently and I am not quite sure about what I should do. Previously I have been offered to do a degree apprenticeship with a large investment bank in IT solutions. They were going to fully fund my degree at the university that they chose for my course and then pay me a very good starting salary. However, as I haven't met the minimum requirements of AAB (I got D in Maths, D in Computer science and E in Physics). I am considering resitting my A-Level results (with the exception of Physics as I intend to switch it to another subject) however this costs approximately £3500 to do. The main reason I want to resit is to get better grades and try to reapply for a degree apprenticeship (not necessarily with the same company), however, I am not sure if that is the best way to go as I believe that they may be biased if the see my previous A-Level results.
I have also been given offers from Kingston, Birkbeck and Brunel universities to do computer science with a foundation year. I hope that if I do chose to go with one of these I will be able to summer internships, but I am worried that companies won't be willing to accept me once they see what A-level results I have received.
Please give me advice on what I should do, no-one else in my family went to university so they do not know much about it.