The Student Room Group

Can I do medicine with bad gcses

I want to do medicine at a Russel group university but my grades were not that good do I still have a fair shot
Maths 7
Biology 7
Chemistry 7
Physics 6
Spanish 6
English language 8
English literature 7
History 8
Sociology 9
Original post by Lizuyu
I want to do medicine at a Russel group university but my grades were not that good do I still have a fair shot
Maths 7
Biology 7
Chemistry 7
Physics 6
Spanish 6
English language 8
English literature 7
History 8
Sociology 9

Medicine is medicine… ‘at Russel group’ means nothing
Yes, fair shot
See this:
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2

I understand that but I’ve been dreaming of doing medicine at Bristol university but I know how competitive it is and I’m scared my mediocre grades will get in the way
love how you classify those as bad gcses! they are not.
Original post by Lizuyu
I understand that but I’ve been dreaming of doing medicine at Bristol university but I know how competitive it is and I’m scared my mediocre grades will get in the way

bristol takes into account mostly the ucat so keep that in mind
Original post by Lizuyu
I understand that but I’ve been dreaming of doing medicine at Bristol university but I know how competitive it is and I’m scared my mediocre grades will get in the way

Look at:
Selection process
We select successful applicants based on the UCAS application, UCAT and interview.

GCSE profile requirements
Advanced numeracy requirement (7 or A in GCSE Mathematics or equivalent) and Standard literacy requirement (4 or C in GCSE English or equivalent)

once you meet the gcse requirements, your gcse’s are no longer used for anything. You meet it
Reply 5
Your grades aren't bad they focus mainly on A-levels anyways it should be fine
Original post by Lizuyu
I want to do medicine at a Russel group university but my grades were not that good do I still have a fair shot
Maths 7
Biology 7
Chemistry 7
Physics 6
Spanish 6
English language 8
English literature 7
History 8
Sociology 9


It is worth bearing in mind that Graduate Entry Medicine is also always an option. I had very good GCSE grades, but dipped a little at A Level, meaning that Undergraduate Medicine was off the cards for me. Graduate Entry Medicine allows you to follow your dream of studying medicine by doing a different undergraduate degree before doing medicine as a graduate even if your exams in school don't go to plan.

Graduate Entry Medicine at Swansea University is excellent.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hope Henry - Third Year Graduate Entry Medicine Student and Swansea Student Ambassador.

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